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They don't want us to know

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"ask Pink Floyd"
yeah, as far as Sid Barret, they could tell you some similiar story.
The "artistic message" contained in "The Wall" I was not able to fully grasp until I was much older. As a child, his mother built a proverbial wall around him, sheltering him in fear of losing her baby boy- having lost her husband to the German bombs over England. It took a nasty LSD trip for the character to realize this wall has been around him his entire life, and the same trip to tear it down. Really brilliant stuff they prob could not have accomplished had they kept Sid Barret in the band.
"All the leaves turned, to watch him die. You know he had to die"
J Garcia.
Another brilliant lyric concerning LSD. The self/ego knows it has to die..that it can never be the same. I've seen more than one big beer drinking/partying college guy drop some dose, not realizing what he was in for. While he still held his taste in beer, he was never the same rowdy drunk, waking up in county lockup... Just think what this type of treatment could do for those caught up in the cycle of prison "in and out and back in" -Timothy Leary pushed for this type of research and program to introduce to those prisoners willing to try it in hopes of breaking the cycle. The problem some had with Leary, he was screaming the benefits of further research from college rooftops, drawing alot of unwanted attention- while there was a quiet process of "turning on" the young masses by a particular "underground" organization... Who truely believed this product could awaken a sleeping America and change the world. Leary's coined "Turn on, tune in and drop out" should have been "Turn on, tune in and get involved" You can only change the system from the inside. Vanishing into some hippy compound for the remainder of your youth does nothing to contribute toward changing our broken social system. Rant over.
I went this past weekend to see a display of the dead sea scrolls in Philia. These were found years after the original copies and they prove the viability of said copies. As if this were not interesting enough in itself they were placed at the lowest place on earth almost as if they were put there to be preserved.

I am coming to learn a lot about the "paranormal" crowd. I should have known better. Those who have an interest in the paranormal are varied but it seems to me that as a vast majority those who pursue things "paranormal" have rejected many of the more plausable explanations for any given thing in leau of a more esoteric explanation that in the end can look downright ridiculous. If this website is any indication of a cross section of individuals then I would have to say that the mainline paranormal crowd is predominately antagonistic athiest in its views. This is a pair of rose colored glasses in and of itself.

If the above is even partially true then maybe getting out and hearing something else could be a more wholesome diet. You guys daily bounce ideas off one another and this isn't a bad thing but you all are on one page philosophically for the most part and there is a lot more to the whole book out there. Please accept my apology if you take this personally but as I see it things are more than a little stodgy in here. Anytime someone else has a different view you all gang up on that person, probably one reason why things are so one sided here.

I think most of you work overtime to try and prove non-existance of a God and even harder at convincing yourself that He isn't a personal God.

I still stand by my original comments on "they don't want us to know" It's working pretty well with you guys.

I think that Athiesm can actually get to a kind of insanity because that belief system rejects anything else, any small admission of anything else and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. You guys have your history revisionists and your scientists who make everything seem a lot more painless.Strength in numbers makes the whole facade seem even more acceptable.

I am not going to apologize for any of my beliefs nor am I going to say I don't take scripture literally to make everyone feel better. If that trips someones trigger here then so be it.
I went this past weekend to see a display of the dead sea scrolls in Philia. These were found years after the original copies and they prove the viability of said copies. As if this were not interesting enough in itself they were placed at the lowest place on earth almost as if they were put there to be <................................................................................................>
and your scientists who make everything seem a lot more painless.Strength in numbers makes the whole facade seem even more acceptable.

I am not going to apologize for any of my beliefs nor am I going to say I don't take scripture literally to make everyone feel better. If that trips someones trigger here then so be it.

Why is it when someone doesn't follow a particluar religion, or see that religion the same as they do, ....that person is automatically referred to as an atheist?

Just because someone doesn't follow Christianity does not make them atheistic in what they believe.

I hope you are happy being a Christian, but don't expect everyone to give you special treatment because of it. If you'll look at other threads on here you'll see that Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other religions are critically talked about and discussed also. If you can't be frank and open about how you feel about a religion on this website what's the use in even discussing it?
... I still stand by my original comments on "they don't want us to know" It's working pretty well with you guys ...

Your original post on the idea that whatever or whoever "they" are don't want us to know ( the truth about UFOs ) remains IMO a valid observation. I think the other issues on religious belief derailed that topic. I see you've mixed them in again here and I can't help but wonder if that isn't an intentionally provocative tactic to incite more religious diatribe. If so, could you please start a new thread for that so it can stay separate? I suggest the Ancient Mysteries section would be a suitable location for it.
Hey Starise - you are right in that atheism can become a religion. This mainstream of opinion you say you see on here - well no-one can argue with your interpretation. I can only give you my take on taking part in the Paracast forums:

I find there are plenty people who are sensibly skeptical in terms of paranormal subjects, not everyone but the core membership. Of course there are indeed extremes but I have found personally that I have been educated on subjects to the extent I have changed my mind. In other things I have had my thoughts reinforced.

Religion does indeed get a certain treatment here and I am right in the centre of that but please don't mistake a very strong dislike to organised religions, such as the Abrahamic onces with a belief that there cannot be a god. These two things are mixed up in many with religious beliefs when they should be separate. For instance, I too wonder what created the universe, what was there beforehand, what will happen at the end of time, is there a god, will there be an existence after this one etc. I have no objection to there being some kind of intelligence - a creator if you like - behind 'everything'.

Now, I will never stop wondering these things and I don't think the paranormal or science or theology can ever even come close to answering these infinite questions. But all that is absolutely zero to do with whether Jesus or Moses 'had a direct line' to this 'creator' etc. All the texts of the major religions were authored by men. End of story and calling that out does not limit me spiritually in any way, shape or form.

I respect your views Starise, I really do - you are a member who has written extensively to explain yourself and no-one can ask for more. You participate in an intelligent fashion and contribute something to the membership. I really just want to point out that I think disliking christianity or any religion is totally different in my mind to anything to do with 'where did all this come from and is anyone behind it?' I hope I never stop wondering what comes next, right up to that last conscious thought on my deathbed.

Part of the reason some of us are quite vehement against such religions is that most of us had it force-fed to us from all directions and no-one ever asked us, 'hey what do you think of these teachings, do you believe in god' etc - no, we were expected to obediently swallow the whole lot and certainly not point out glaring inconsistencies in words supposedly given by god. It is obvious those words did not come from god cos if there is a god, he wouldn't make such a crap job of getting his all-powerful message across!
I mean just imagining that a god who created the universe, decided to give instructions and morality to us through some bloke in the middle east who just happened to be one of the few who could read and write etc. I laugh at how that denegrates god. If he does exist and consciously worries about us, I'd like to think he would be far better at getting us to follow and know his wishes. It is religion that makes god seem irrelevant, not me! My idea of god would be someone or something that would not give instructions, piecemeal over centuries and all 'the proof' is always hidded and kept from the masses.

Belief in God does not mean a belief in religion? (might have rambled a bit there...:))
The bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, we know that this isn't true, so how can one then say that the bible is the perfect, literal word of god? Did god not know that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe even though he supposedly created it? How does one get around that inconsistency? I have a hard time understanding this kind of thinking. Personally, I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist, I feel it's very unlikely that there's a god watching over us constantly, but I can't prove it so one has to admit that it's a possibility, however unlikely. There are things that I do know for sure though, I know for sure that the world isn't 9000 years old, I know for sure that Noah's global flood never happened, I know that the Earth is not the center of the universe regardless of what it says in the bible. These are the things I do know and these are just some of the things that make me disregard the bible as being anything but the ramblings of primitive men.
Actually although it would be more productive, this still wouldn't be the place to discuss it.

I disagree that it would be more productive and would like to point out the fact that this thread went off topic a long time ago, and that a threads topic is not the end all be all of what is discussed in said thread, and since we aren't breaking any forum rules, perhaps if you don't like it you should, I dunno, frequent another thread? Who are you to designate what is a waste of MBs to discuss and what isn't?
I agree with Ufology. This thread is about our One World Government/ Secret Society ownership of us.

If anyone is interested enough in religion debates, start a thread devoted to it.
I disagree that it would be more productive and would like to point out the fact that this thread went off topic a long time ago, and that a threads topic is not the end all be all of what is discussed in said thread, and since we aren't breaking any forum rules, perhaps if you don't like it you should, I dunno, frequent another thread? Who are you to designate what is a waste of MBs to discuss and what isn't?

Who am I? Well that's pretty easy to find out. But apart from that, I'm a forum member like everyone else and therefore I have as much right as anyone else ( apart from Gene or the Mods ) to post whatever I want provided that it is within the bounds of forum etiquette. Which means I can suggest reasonable things like trying to stay on topic or create appropriate threads so as not to derail discussions. As for frequenting another thread, the reason I came in here was because I thought that maybe there was some meaningful on-topic conversation taking place, only to find out it's more religious diatribe ... and now the OP has us bickering among ourselves over it. Isn't that just great? Satan has obviously infiltrated our unrepentant minds and led us into confusion and disarray.
Who am I? Well that's pretty easy to find out. But apart from that, I'm a forum member like everyone else and therefore I have as much right as anyone else ( apart from Gene or the Mods ) to post whatever I want provided that it is within the bounds of forum etiquette. Which means I can suggest reasonable things like trying to stay on topic or create appropriate threads so as not to derail discussions. As for frequenting another thread, the reason I came in here was because I thought that maybe there was some meaningful on-topic conversation taking place, only to find out it's more religious diatribe ... and now the OP has us bickering among ourselves over it. Isn't that just great? Satan has obviously infiltrated our unrepentant minds and led us into confusion and disarray.

Of course you're perfectly within your rights to suggest that we stay on topic, just as I'm within my rights to ignore you and continue to post off topic if I so choose. Now that you've found out that there is no on topic discussion here, may I humbly suggest that if you don't like the topic being discussed that you frequent another thread. As for the rest of your post, the stuff about Satan, I think it's pretty funny, so kudos on that one.
Of course you're perfectly within your rights to suggest that we stay on topic, just as I'm within my rights to ignore you and continue to post off topic if I so choose. Now that you've found out that there is no on topic discussion here, may I humbly suggest that if you don't like the topic being discussed that you frequent another thread. As for the rest of your post, the stuff about Satan, I think it's pretty funny, so kudos on that one.

Well maybe since the thread is already derailed and my sense of humor is still appreciated, perhaps I'll stick around and interject some more stuipid jokes.

Moreover, the Sermon on the Mount - supposedly the original monologue straight out of the mouth of the Son of God Himself - can be shown to be a series of Old Testament scriptures strung together, along with, apparently, such texts from Qumran. No "historical" founder was necessary at all to speak these words, as they are a rehash of extant sayings. (Even in this patent literary device the gospels cannot agree, as Luke 6:17-49 depicts the Sermon as having taken place on a plain.)

It is easy to see why the Catholic Church would blanche upon the discovery of these scrolls, as it could be - and has been - argued that these texts erode the very foundation of Christianity. It appears that this news, however, when released slowly has little affect on the mind-numbing programming that accompanies Christian faith.

The bottom line is that the existence of the Old Testament and the intertestamental literature such as the Dead Sea Scrolls shows how Christianity is a cut-and-paste job

Dead Sea Scrolls prove Bible unoriginal
The bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, we know that this isn't true, so how can one then say that the bible is the perfect, literal word of god? Did god not know that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe even though he supposedly created it? How does one get around that inconsistency? I have a hard time understanding this kind of thinking. Personally, I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist, I feel it's very unlikely that there's a god watching over us constantly, but I can't prove it so one has to admit that it's a possibility, however unlikely. There are things that I do know for sure though, I know for sure that the world isn't 9000 years old, I know for sure that Noah's global flood never happened, I know that the Earth is not the center of the universe regardless of what it says in the bible. These are the things I do know and these are just some of the things that make me disregard the bible as being anything but the ramblings of primitive men.
perfectly stated.

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