Hey Starise - you are right in that atheism can become a religion. This mainstream of opinion you say you see on here - well no-one can argue with your interpretation. I can only give you my take on taking part in the Paracast forums:
I find there are plenty people who are sensibly skeptical in terms of paranormal subjects, not everyone but the core membership. Of course there are indeed extremes but I have found personally that I have been educated on subjects to the extent I have changed my mind. In other things I have had my thoughts reinforced.
Religion does indeed get a certain treatment here and I am right in the centre of that but please don't mistake a very strong dislike
to organised religions, such as the Abrahamic onces with a belief that there cannot be a god. These two things are mixed up in many with religious beliefs when they should be separate. For instance, I too wonder what created the universe, what was there beforehand, what will happen at the end of time, is there a god, will there be an existence after this one etc. I have no objection to there being some kind of intelligence - a creator if you like - behind 'everything'.
Now, I will never stop wondering these things and I don't think the paranormal or science or theology
can ever even come close to answering these infinite questions. But all that is absolutely zero to do with whether Jesus or Moses 'had a direct line' to this 'creator' etc. All the texts of the major religions were authored by men. End of story and calling that out does not limit me spiritually in any way, shape or form.
I respect your views Starise, I really do - you are a member who has written extensively to explain yourself and no-one can ask for more. You participate in an intelligent fashion and contribute something to the membership. I really just want to point out that I think disliking christianity or any religion is totally different in my mind to anything to do with 'where did all this come from and is anyone behind it?' I hope I never stop wondering what comes next, right up to that last conscious thought on my deathbed.
Part of the reason some of us are quite vehement against such religions is that most of us had it force-fed to us from all directions and no-one ever asked us, 'hey what do you think of these teachings, do you believe in god' etc - no, we were expected to obediently swallow the whole lot and certainly not point out glaring inconsistencies in words
supposedly given by god. It is obvious those words did not come from god cos if there is a god, he wouldn't make such a crap job of getting his all-powerful message across!
I mean just imagining that a god who created the universe, decided to give instructions and morality to us through some bloke in the middle east who just happened to be one of the few who could read and write etc. I laugh at how that denegrates god. If he does exist and consciously worries about us, I'd like to think he would be far better at getting us to follow and know his wishes. It is religion that makes god seem irrelevant, not me! My idea of god would be someone or something that would not give instructions, piecemeal over centuries and all 'the proof' is always hidded and kept from the masses.
Belief in God does not mean a belief in religion? (might have rambled a bit there...
