It's sad to see people try to make an argument against God. I'm not making any judgment on those who do, only that it saddens me. Also, this is why I prefer to stick to pretty much any other topic in the Paracast forum because it always comes to the same circular arguments.
I know I can speak to God as bluntly as I wish. He can handle anything I can throw at Him. If you have a beef with Him, by all means express that in any way you need to at least keeping an open mind to His existence and goodness. I'm posting this only in the hope of others here who feel the need to argue against God to possibly reevaluate there position, but of course that is totally out of my hands.
Job chapter 38
No offense meant in this reply Geo.
Those that have no belief in your God or any god for that matter, tend to look at it from the burden of proof angle.. you have none that can be held to show that the existence of said supernatural being can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
As such it becomes a matter of faith and faith is not evidence.
It's sad to see people try to make an argument against God
Don't be sad for me brother as I am well and truly glad to be rid of said superstition and like you I once held that I had a personal relationship through faith in my god.
But the deeper I studied to counter those evil atheists the closer I became to being one until one day I just could not keep up the farce.
Frankly I am happy that I did it.
it always comes to the same circular arguments
I agree that the God argument just becomes a game of circular logic and it also has the tendency to drive a wedge between those here that would otherwise get along just fine.
I miss Tyder and it was due to the religious arguments in part that caused a bit of a forum meltdown for him.
I'm posting this only in the hope of others here who feel the need to argue against God to possibly reevaluate there position
I did many times and I still come to the same conclusion every time that the belief in a god is a matter of faith and one that need not have evidence.
As such I have no faith in god as I require evidence to support it's existence and I have yet to find any that can confirm beyond a doubt that such a being exists.
The bible is not evidence, and personal testimony however compelling it can be made to sound is not either.
On top of that I am not about to play Pascals wager just to hedge my bets.
Frankly I have no need for imaginary friends and for me this is what it all amounts to, but having said that I respect others points of view to believe in whatever they darn well please.. hell you can worship pink and blue monkeys from Pluto for all I care as it only becomes a problem when the ideals of religion are imposed on a society wholesale.
As a side note, here is a question that has never be adequately answered by any Christian of Muslim I have met.
"What makes your God the One True God and Odin, Zeus, Osiris, and Mithra myths?"
Peace and don't panic