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They Should Tell You Climate change

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Important: For the second time, my video detailing the geoengineered Tornado Swarm in Illinois has been removed for "copyright infringement." The first time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on a weather forecast. This time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on video of a cloud.
WeatherWar101 - YouTube
Reasons this topic can go on and on without resolution:

1) People don't understand the science, or they ignore it. They don't know that the chemical equations were in place decades ago, before it ever became a political hot potatoe. Instead, they keep going over personal intuitions. But personal intuitions are not relevant, at all.
2) People are solipsists who believe the world outside their own brain is basically fiction and that real science is impossible. It's silly, and philosophically quaint, but some think that extreme relativism is still smart and avantgarde. It isn't, it's lame and dated.
3) People believe there is a huge conspiracy among all main-stream scientists. This is so silly I can't really deal with it, but I'm not surprised to see it proposed. I've been on these types of sites long enough to know the motivations: Fear, anger, unconstructive politicizing.

But hey, if it has to go on and on, at least it's interesting from a sociological point of view, to see how far people will go to deny. I mean, people deny the Holocaust, the moon landing, etc etc, why wouldn't they deny this too?
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No one I know and no scientists I know deny that warming, cooling or climate change happens. We deny that CO2 contributions from humans is influencing any of it in a catastrophic or concernable way.

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this is why most brit's dont believe in climate change, we are not experiencing anything different in our weather, decade by decade.

British Met Office

the report's authors themselves readily admit, the British weather varies so "hugely year to year due to natural processes" that detecting trends is tough, and detecting a manmade fingerprint even harder. 'Fickle path'

The British Isles are not only tucked beside a vast Atlantic Ocean whose temperatures have a powerful effect on our weather, they are also at the receiving-end of the jetstream. And this fast-flowing "river of wind" drives storms our way along a fickle path that remains poorly understood - it's an "inherently chaotic" factor, according to Prof Belcher.

'Honest' assessment

After the record-breaking downpours of the last winter, the question of the role of climate change has shot up the political agenda so what do the experts say?

A key conclusion is that the "role of human influence" can be detected in temperature extremes, but changes in storminess and rainfall rates need more research.

What this means is that some types of weather are easier to assess than others - and temperature has always been more straightforward than precipitation.

But as for the last winter, and the wet summer of 2012 and the dry summer of 2010, the conclusion is honest: it is "too early to say" whether our activities have changed the odds of similar events happening again.

The report makes clear that global trends do not necessarily apply to Britain.

For example, it says that while there are connections between climate change and dry seasons in some parts of the world, "there is currently no clear evidence of such a link to recent dry periods in the UK."


our season's just are'nt changing, everything is the same as ever was, place's get flooded, but nowhere is getting flooded for the first time, if people dont do their research and buy properties on flood-plains, or land below sea level, that's their look-out.
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People are still arguing this garbage? The earth is warming - human beings are definitely part of the cause, if not almost completely responsible. Debating this is like debating evolution, and the climate change deniers are creationists.
I understand it's hard to admit you're wrong, but the science is pretty crystal clear at this point. If you still want to deny it, that's cool. I don't understand what motivation you can possibly have to do so, but have at it!
whereas i want to stay focused on point, burnt is just playing to the gallery with all his sentimental appeals, we all feel the same way about the planet, but not all of us want to be financially ass-raped for something based on bullshit data.

That's the point in question. just how much of an increase in annual taxes you think this well be? How much profit will the energy czars make, and how much a year do you think that will cost you in terms of ill health, life expectancy, decreased time outside in the sun, increase in skin cancer - fastest growing cancer etc.. i want to take time to answer your pervious response in detail but this was the same single point that stood out for me.

i understand we'll never see eye to eye, but just to explain how i feel, it seems that you are selecting very specific and isolated pieces of data, seeing coincidences and constructing a conspiracy where there is none, as flipper pointed out. And when we consider the net effect of this polar discussion there's a fear that some segments of society are going "to be financially ass-raped for something based on bullshit data." This stands opposite carbon taxes, which is the one thing the super-polluting countries of the world could agree on they would try to meet and don't, even though that doesn't even come close to having an effect on reducing pollution, carbon and aerosol emissions. Ultimately it's just to redistribute some trifling bits of monies in the hopes that the third world won't want to seek financial independence as we did it - through oil and poisoning the planet. No we've got this vain hope that they will use renewable energy sources - what we needed to be doing decades ago.

So i'm not quite to sure what it means to be "financial ass-raped" or what that will tally up to, but i suspect any more new taxes collected, as they do now on gas and energy, will go into gov't coffers, shareholder coffers and a penny or two on the dollar might make its way to fulfilling the best, yet lame idea, that the super-polluting nations could agree on as their contribution to the pollution of life on planet earth and how to reduce global warming. In this difference of opinion you might thing i'm Phil Klass, and i definitely think you're Phil Klass, but either way this trivial cost piece, even if the whole thing were true, is for a pittance.

What it really represents is new legislation on energy and mining regulations that will stifle the billionaires, who make the real profit in this world off of this carbon production. So whether or not you understand that the coincidences that others have connected and served up as a reality - the grand conspiracy over global warming, that's what i see you trying to present as rational. The whole of the story is that the planet is warming, the oceans are acidifying etc. you know the mantra by now. One or two fudged data sets does not destroy the generally held belief that we are having an effect on the planet and can do things to reduce our effects. The majority of contrarians to this polluted planet reality are working for oil companies, whether they realize it or not. Everyone believes in the story that they want to believe in for reasons known only to them.

But if you think a few extra dollars a month in tax is going to rock your world, i would think that the other consequences carry heavier price tags for us all, along with more profit for the oil baron. That's being on point, as this whole discussion has tried to focus on, as opposed to videos from old white weather dudes, who got their degree literally from cracker jack university in 194? when you didn't need much to be a weatherman, and now annually speaks at energy conventions. How does that actually square in the financial calculation of who is stripping whom down? I'm sure he's also really up to speed on things compared to all those other "idiotic" working scientists who actually do believe in doing something about the collective evidence of a toxic planet and not wasting time complaining about NASA wiping out the moon landing or Greenland's weather, or replacing them climate elves, for that matter. That whole discussion is small potatoes on the grand scale of what we're actually talking about.
People are still arguing this garbage? The earth is warming - human beings are definitely part of the cause, if not almost completely responsible. Debating this is like debating evolution, and the climate change deniers are creationists.
I understand it's hard to admit you're wrong, but the science is pretty crystal clear at this point. If you still want to deny it, that's cool. I don't understand what motivation you can possibly have to do so, but have at it!
yes, we're still at it - it's the Sisyphus club for saps of all kinds - it's the most charged discussion going and boggles my brain.
Angel and Burnt please tell us how many degrees it has warmed since the beginning of the Industrial Age. Keep in mind we were/are still recovering from the little ice age.

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I thought you might share with us all this tremendous amount of warming that you both fear so much. It must be 20 degrees or more right?!?!

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Important: For the second time, my video detailing the geoengineered Tornado Swarm in Illinois has been removed for "copyright infringement." The first time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on a weather forecast. This time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on video of a cloud.
WeatherWar101 - YouTube

Not sure what to make of this - I would have to watch the information videos in the link, I think.
Maybe we could ignore the global warming argument for a nanosecond (it's definitely warmer here, but may not be where you live), and stop ad-hominem stuff and admit that human pollution and selfishness may end up being a big f*cking problem? How about nuclear plants like Fukushima which are all over the USA and probably your country too... short sightedness, etc. Someone, at some point, thought that putting together a brilliant design like Fuku (/sarc) was worth it in the short term, hey man, make that profit, who cares about the future? I sometimes wonder if the Global Warming argument is a red herring (I think it's real, but don't pretend to know the science and don't preach about it) to keep us divided over serious environmental problems we're already facing right now, big time... we're like a Maserati (70's cool vintage) headed towards a brick wall... and it's just absurd to think that human beings, since last century, are not in some way involved.

Our illustrious President, along with Al Gore and everyone else, did sweet f*ck all about the Gulf Spill, which had nothing to do with Global Warming -- rather human, all too human, short-sightedness, greed, and stupidity. Again, whatever side one is on, there are things it's well-nigh impossible to argue about. The human race has left a bit of a mess. Maybe we could do something about that, and argue about GW later. And I'm with Manxman on the "stick it to the little guy" on GW and letting the corporations buy tax credits to make them Green. There is, no doubt, a real phenomenon called "Greenwashing". Anyone who loves the environment, no matter what side one takes (and I seriously think I'm right on GW, but so what? I don't KNOW....), needs to realize there is "divide and conquer" going on all over the GW debate. Again, a gentlemanly debate, with both sides honored, has yet to happen and I'd love to see it in my lifetime.

But none of us, I think, believes in the 70's corporate mantra, "the solution to pollution is dilution." None of us, right? Fukushima's cloud which traveled 'round the world proved that to be f-in moot. Maybe that's a start.
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Maybe we could ignore the global warming argument for a nanosecond (it's definitely warmer here, but may not be where you live), and stop ad-hominem stuff and admit that human pollution and selfishness may end up being a big f*cking problem? How about nuclear plants like Fukushima which are all over the USA and probably your country too... short sightedness, etc. Someone, at some point, thought that putting together a brilliant design like Fuku (/sarc) was worth it in the short term, hey man, make that profit, who cares about the future? I sometimes wonder if the Global Warming argument is a red herring (I think it's real, but don't pretend to know the science and don't preach about it) to keep us divided over serious environmental problems we're already facing right now, big time... we're like a Maserati (70's cool vintage) headed towards a brick wall... and it's just absurd to think that human beings, since last century, are not in some way involved.

Our illustrious President, along with Al Gore and everyone else, did sweet f*ck all about the Gulf Spill, which had nothing to do with Global Warming -- rather human, all too human, short-sightedness, greed, and stupidity. Again, whatever side one is on, there are things it's well-nigh impossible to argue about. The human race has left a bit of a mess. Maybe we could do something about that, and argue about GW later. And I'm with Manxman on the "stick it to the little guy" on GW and letting the corporations buy tax credits to make them Green. There is, no doubt, a real phenomenon called "Greenwashing". Anyone who loves the environment, no matter what side one takes (and I seriously think I'm right on GW, but so what? I don't KNOW....), needs to realize there is "divide and conquer" going on all over the GW debate. Again, a gentlemanly debate, with both sides honored, has yet to happen and I'd love to see it in my lifetime.

But none of us, I think, believes in the 70's corporate mantra, "the solution to pollution is dilution." None of us, right? Fukushima's cloud which traveled 'round the world proved that to be f-in moot. Maybe that's a start.
Yes I think you have it right. Well said! Our sense of injustice [ANGER] should be focused on those who made the messes, knew that they were making the messes, and are quite content that we suffer the consequences. Global warming, global cooling or global non climate change is not the issue, what is being done to our environment by those with their hands on the levers of power is.
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i believe all who claim their climates are changing angel, if they are in their 30s or older, as they have enough memory of weather patterns/season's, but those people like your self and burnt live in enviroments of extremes, its hard to take it as a serious concern when you are not experiencing different weather patterns, and normal season's, its hard to see what all the fuss is about, never mind having to fund a growing climate industry of consultant's etc, which charge our governments and business's lumpy fees, which are then passed on to us.

this stuff, all payed for by us here, because al gore and his cronies panic up a feeding frenzy.

i paid my share in the cost of this, i reckon it cost me around £2.
i'd rather plant a tree with it.

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Looks like Angel and Burnt have no clue how much warming we have had since the Industrial Age. They cry about all the warming but don't even know how much it is warming.

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