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Turkey UFO Images

What was the Turkey UFO?

  • Alien/Inter/Ultra/Extraterrestrial

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Secret Gov. Craft

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Misidentified Yacht/Boat Etc.

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • Computer Graphic Hoax

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Balloon, Prop, Model

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • A Turkey?

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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The Yacht theory is laughable and comical. It borderlines desperation or over reaching for something to try and explain it.

There are several reasons the Yacht, Boat window theory is BUNK.


These parts of the videos show that some of the objects can't be boats or yachts.

Give alcione and forgotmori a C for effort but an F for content.
The fact that the so called object hovering for over 2 months was chased by a handicam in a parking lot instead of intercepting helicopters or military jets kind of gives you a hint. Unless there's a blip blip on a radar somebody missed ?

Best guess right now is the lighted top deck of a cruise ship (which are huge by the way... the Oasis of the sea is more than four times the size of the Titanic).
LOL this is the first time I've seen the ship comparison. It very well could be a hoax taken from the shore of a cruise terminal. Although looking at the video you could tell they were at ground level. You can put any image and make it blend.
..You can put any image and make it blend.

No you can't.

Most of all, I think the matching fit should give everyone a reason to be cautious about the claims of UFOs. Could they really film all this and not once understand that at least some of the sightings were of cruise ships?

Like I said previously: What they recognized as a UFO we recognize as a boat. What does this mean for the remainder of the evidence? At least it tells us that the impressions of the eye-witnesses should not be relied upon too much.

Btw., how come people on the cruise ships, who were arguably much closer to the objects, didn't see at least one or two of the UFOs? We know the ships were there.
I'd be much more inclined to find the case interesting if the witnesses had mentioned the boats themselves, and especially if non-UFO-related people had also seen something. I imagine that 95%+ of the cruise guests had some camera or another, at least in a phone, and that some champagne was downed on deck with a great view of the surrounding sea.

Concerning a specific point: If the ships are approaching head on, they will appear to stand still.
Just some info about our friend ufosdisclosed here.

I found one actual forum thread about him here:
ufosdisclosed.com? - Extraterrestrial Life & The UFO Phenomenon - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums

And then numerous ludicrous fake review sites explaining that ufodisclosed is an 'excellent product'. I love this one, from a 'reviewer':
www.ufosdisclosed.com Scam or Real? Reviews Honest

"If you want to solve your problems completely, and if you want to change your life forever, if you want to have a better life in the future, Ufos Disclosed is what you are looking for!"

I have never bought products on the internet before. I’m one of those people who has to physically inspect everything before I purchase it. I have had Ufos Disclosed for about a month now and it has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made! Thank you for doing such a good job! You are so great!"

Or this one:
Ufos Disclosed Review – The Whistleblower (ufosdisclosed.com) Scam or Legit?
"Look at our deep honest fact of Ufos Disclosed Review .. to reveal an in-depth report about Ufos Disclosed by The Whistleblower to help visitors for choosing a right decision
We have report it to you to make sure that Ufos Disclosed is Definitely Not a Scam and also had Legitimate to decide it, It’s based on the product feature that The Whistleblower giving you 100% Money Back Guarantee within 60 days. So, what are you waiting for? Truthfully, make a purchase of this product would be Risk-Free…"

Ohh, and most stupid of all, when you try exit the fake review pages, they send you straight to ufodisclosed.com. :rolleyes:

The Yacht theory is laughable and comical. It borderlines desperation or over reaching for something to try and explain it.

There are several reasons the Yacht, Boat window theory is BUNK.

Why so closed minded? It seems like a perfectly plausible explanation. What are the reason's it's bunk? Do you want to believe so badly that you'll dismiss any plausible explanation?
I don't know. Cruise ships are lighted like a Christmas tree at night. I find it hard to believe they would have ALL lights turned off except for the deck.


Still undecided on this case.
The match is pretty good, and its not inconceivable that the liner might have just the bridge lit up.
If it were between cruises with just a skeleton bridge crew, its not unlikely that in the dead of night, only the bridge would be lit.
These ships do dock with no passengers and bugger all crew bewteen gigs, but even if this is what we see on one photo.
Thats entirely consistant with some enthusiasts having photographed a real UFO, snapping this by mistake.

It doesnt by extension make the other photos fake.

If i were to photograph strange lights 10 nights in a row and on the eleventh photograph a low flying plane with its headlights on, then it is what it is, one photo of a plane.

If i took a photo of a real UFO from zeta whatsis one night and a helicopter the next, the second picture doesnt render the first one bunk.

Its not unlikely that in their enthusiam to snap more pics of unexplained lights, they might snap some mundane stuff too
It shouldn't be too difficult to find ship itineraries for the times noted. This wouldn't rule out secret military vessels but it would pinpoint with pretty good accuracy the validity of it being a cruise ship, which is the claim being made here.

If there were no ships on the water in those places at those times , then it is a pretty fair to conclude that this isn't an ocean cruiser. The arc of the deck on the picture posted by red pill looks to be much wider than the image of the supposed ufo, and I still haven't seen a design that lines up with the rounded "button" type windows or appendages on the original.

The single largest factor here for me in looking at this like a possible hoax is what appears to me to be cropping of the image at the bottom. If the image were not cropped you would see the same
fuzziness along the edges of the bottom that you do along the arc at the top. The bottom seems much more defined.....this could also be the water line at a great distance. But don't you think someone would have looked at the image and determined this? Did all of these people fall for the tip of an ocean liner? I have serious reservations about that.
On the occasions I have been to the ocean and seen large ships from a great distance, I understand that the movement from long range is very very slow. Even so, wouldn't you think eventually that the videographer would figure this out ? The ships do move and within less than a half hour you would see either more or less of the vessel. If this is a ship then in my thinking , there can't be anyone that dense. I give them a little more credit than that.

My take on it is that if this is a ship then it is most definitely a well intentioned attempt by someone to misrepresent an image. Someone who is not gullible but intent on taking something like a ship and making sure it looks as much like a UFO as possible. They would have known what they were doing and set out to misrepresent their video. Someone went out, looked for a ship that only the end was showing and took video of it...only from the front angle and only kept the images that made it look the most "ufo like". They cropped the image and misrepresented the way they took the video and the conditions surrounding it. Someone said to them self...Hmmmm...I'll go find a way to fake a UFO video. Never had any intention to do anything else. Or maybe, just maybe, they were out taking video at 2 in the morning?? for the heck of it?? and seen these ship tips and said. wow this looks like something else!

If the above is true , then they should have known someone would question it maybe being a ship. If they didn't know that , then they are a little dense. It sure is a rather unusual thing to put ones rear end on the line for on national TV.

The other possibility exists....people up late started to see objects in the sky higher than the horizon.Word about this got around the local area. A few of these people had their video cameras along, focused the object and shot video of it. The clincher for me would be multiple credible, sane, reliable witnesses who understand azimuth, horizon and how ships move in the ocean, who knowing all of that and taking all of that into serious consideration STILL can't explain what they see as a large ocean going vessel. If you live in Turkey...on the sea, you would have seen ships and would know what one looks like. In fact, this would probably be your very first assumption to make.
My take on it is that if this is a ship then it is most definitely a well intentioned attempt by someone to misrepresent an image. Someone who is not gullible but intent on taking something like a ship and making sure it looks as much like a UFO as possible. They would have known what they were doing and set out to misrepresent their video. Someone went out, looked for a ship that only the end was showing and took video of it...only from the front angle and only kept the images that made it look the most "ufo like". They cropped the image and misrepresented the way they took the video and the conditions surrounding it. Someone said to them self...Hmmmm...I'll go find a way to fake a UFO video.

As stated previously across the forums this video originates from known hoaxers. Anyone (Maussan) who supports Meier obviously is in it for the cash. Leir's involvement in this video and his erroneous claims of the circumstances of the video shoot consequently put him right in the centre of the den of Ufological thieves. This is, of course, a constructed event. Drawing random lines across video degraded stills and claiming horizon lines doesn't cut it. The first problem with this video series is its point of origin.

This speaks to all that is wrong with Ufology. That it continues to be discussed, and will continue to be discussed, like many hoaxed vids explains why Third Phase of Moon even exists. There really us a sincere need to highlight the various relationships between those involved in the field to determine who all is in the business of propping up myth vs. those who objectively investigate.
Indeed, it puts everything Leir says into a very bad light. As if his website about 'alien implants' shouldn't be enough cause for alarm already. When I heard him speak, I got the impression that he had all this well-laid out documentation etc.

It's a rather anti-climactic experience when you actually look at what he peddles as thorough scientific research. I think he's either a fraud, or he's simply easy to take for a 'boat' ride.
There's a lot of those types of boat rides going on throughout ufology with a lot of free lunches, free hotels etc. Just how many staples of ufology are hoaxed inventions that are taken as gospel, disproved and then taken as gospel again, disproved and so the loop goes on and on? Yeah, this beat goes on and on. Like a kettle in the kitchen. I feel the steam beginning to brew...I'm switchin' to glide. I finally found some way outta this hole ya know.