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UFOs and Nukes

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Military Personnel to Discuss UFO Incursions at Nuclear Weapons Sites at the National Press Club<O:p</O:p


By Robert Hastings​



Former U.S. Air Force Captain Robert Salas and UFO-Nukes Connection researcher Robert Hastings are currently organizing a press conference to be held at the National Press Club in <ST1:place w:st="on"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
</st1:City>Washington <st1:State w:st="on">D.C.</st1:State></ST1:place> in the fall of 2010. At least a dozen former or retired <st1:country-region w:st="on">U.S.</st1:country-region> military personnel who witnessed one or more UFO incursions at <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">U.S.</st1:country-region></ST1:place> nuclear weapons sites will participate and discuss their experiences.
<O:p> </O:p>
This formal announcement of the upcoming press conference has been posted a year in advance in the hope that other former/retired U.S. military personnel who have experienced UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites will come forward and support this disclosure effort, either by participating directly or by submitting a written statement relating to their encounter(s) for presentation during the event.
<O:p> </O:p>
Salas and Hastings hope to draw worldwide media attention to the reality of UFO-initiated nuclear missile malfunctions and activations, which occurred at several U.S. Air Force bases during the Cold War era, as reported by various missile launch officers, targeting and maintenance personnel, security police, and others with knowledge of these incidents.
<O:p> </O:p>
The situation is ongoing: Recent reports from active duty USAF personnel, as well as from civilians residing in the vicinity of nuclear missile sites, strongly suggest that UFO incursions at these facilities continue to occur. Similar reports have been received from persons living near installations at which the U.S. Navy’s nuclear missile-carrying submarines are based.
<O:p> </O:p>
Robert Salas is the co-author (with Jim Klotz) of Faded Giant which details Salas’ involvement in a UFO-initiated mass missile shutdown at Malmstrom AFB, <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Montana</ST1:place></st1:State>, in March 1967. Robert Hastings is the author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites which summarizes his 36-year investigation of such cases. Those who wish to provide information to Salas and/or Hastings may contact them at rsalas15@roadrunner.com or hastings444@att.net.
One problem is that some of the most important cases like Big Sur and Malmstrom were long ago in the sixties so some key witnesses may no longer be extant.
Trajanus wrote: One problem is that some of the most important cases like Big Sur and Malmstrom were long ago in the sixties so some key witnesses may no longer be extant.

Well, this is not really an issue, at least relating to the cases you mentioned. As noted in my National Press Club announcement, former USAF Captain Bob Salas, who was involved in one of the March 1967 missile shutdowns at Malmstrom AFB, at Oscar Flight, is the press conference's co-sponsor. His missile commander that day, retired Col. Fred Meiwald, will be invited to participate, as will retired Col. Walt Figel, one of the missile commanders present at Echo Flight, where the other full-flight missile shutdown took place that same month.

Regarding the Big Sur case, Dr. Bob Jacobs, the former USAF photo-instrumentation officer who took the motion picture film of the UFO shooting down a dummy nuclear warhead, on September 15, 1964, is still available and very outspoken, as anyone who has seen his July 18, 2008 appearance with me on Larry King can confirm. That segment is still available on YouTube.

Another important case, involving the UFO-initiated activation of several nuclear missiles at Minot AFB, in the late 1960s, has recently been revealed by former missile launch officer David Schuur. (Google "Launch in Progress!")

Yet another case, involving a UFO-related, full-flight missile shutdown at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, in 1978, has now been divulged by retired USAF Combat Targeting Team member John Mills. (Google "Like a Diamond in the Sky".)

In short, there are lots of first-rate witnesses available to speak publicly about these momentous events. To read about the testimony of several others, see my article at


BTW, I recently spoke with an active duty USAF missile Security Policeman at Malmstrom AFB, who told me of a UFO incursion at Oscar Flight "about two years ago." Whether that was merely a fly-by or involved something more significant, I do not know at the moment. While I am not going to pursue this lead with that individual until he leaves the Air Force, I am planning to contact civilians living in the area, to attempt to learn more about the UFO-presence near Oscar in recent years.

--Robert Hastings

BTW, I recently spoke with an active duty USAF missile Security Policeman at Malmstrom AFB, who told me of a UFO incursion at Oscar Flight "about two years ago." Whether that was merely a fly-by or involved something more significant, I do not know at the moment. While I am not going to pursue this lead with that individual until he leaves the Air Force, I am planning to contact civilians living in the area, to attempt to learn more about the UFO-presence near Oscar in recent years.

--Robert Hastings

This is gold ! ... and the main reason I keep any interest in Ufology.

The idea that uncontrolled nuclear fusion and its enormous destructive power would be of interest and a concern to alien entites (with vested interests in our planet) is one that will keep building credibility as time goes on. (and witnesses trained by the army are hard to beat).

How can you farm the earth if your product becomes radioactive :D
Below are pertinent excerpts from my taped telephone conversation, on 10/20/08, with retired USAF Col. Walter Figel, who was the deputy missile commander on duty at Malmstrom's Echo Flight, on March 16, 1967. The missile commander that day was now retired Col. Eric Carlson:

WF: [At the time of the Echo Flight shutdown] what was unusual was that several of the missiles were open...for some routine maintenance. I don’t remember why. But, uh, at least two of them were running on diesel power so they were not connected to the power grid. I don’t remember if it was three open or four open [but] it was just routine maintenance. Nothing had happened [to the missiles]. It was just the time of the year for routine maintenance. Um, and the day before, there were maintenance teams out there. They had stayed overnight—
RH: Do you know how many maintenance teams were out overnight?
WF: You know, I think it was four. It was the two sites that had diesels running and two others. And when maintenance stays overnight they...stay in a camper...When you have maintenance on the site and they’re going to stay overnight, you have a security team on the site.
RH: Right.
(Break. Figel goes into detail about security procedures.)
WF: [When] the missiles dropped off alert, I started calling the maintenance people out there on the radio to talk to them. I had the security guard authenticate so I know I’m talking to a security guard and, you know, [I asked] 'What’s going on? Is maintenance trying to get into the silo?' [The guard said,] 'No, they’re still in the camper.' [So, I said,] 'Get ‘em up, I want to talk to them.' Then I tried to tell them what I had was a Channel 9 No-Go.
RH: Uh huh.
WF: Uh, we did that with the sites that were there, that [had maintenance teams and their guards on site] and I sent Strike Teams to two other sites. There’s no sense sending them where I [already] have a guard and a gun and an authenticate.
RH: Right.
WF: Uh—
RH: So far in this narrative, you haven’t mentioned UFOs.
WF: [Laughs] That’s correct. Um, somewhere along the way, um, one of the maintenance people—cause he didn’t know what was going on any place else either, they have no capability of talking to each other [at different launch sites], in other words, they can talk to the [launch] capsule but they can’t talk to each other—
RH: Right
WF: —unless they were on the radio and no one was using the radio except the security police. And the guy says, 'We got a Channel 9 No-Go. It must be a UFO hovering over the site. I think I see one here.' [I said,] 'Yeah, right, whatever. What were you drinking?' And he tried to convince me of something and I said, well, I basically, you know, didn’t believe him. [Laughs] I said, you know, we have to get somebody to look at this [No-Go]. [A short time later] one of the Strike Teams that went out, one of the two, claimed that they saw something over the site.
RH: How did they describe that?
WF: Oh, on radio, [they said,] 'There’s this large object hovering over the site!' I’ve always been a non-believer [in UFOs] so I said, 'Right, sure you do.' [They responded,] 'Yeah! Yeah, we do!' So, [I said,] 'There’s two of you there, saying so, so write it down in your report.' [The Strike Team leader] said, 'What do you want us to do?' [I said,] 'Follow your checklist. Go to the site, open it up, and call me.'
RH: What was the demeanor of the guard you were talking to?
WF: Um, you know, I wouldn’t say panicked, or anything [like that]. I was thinking he was yanking my chain more than anything else.
RH: But he seemed to be serious to you?
WF: He seemed to be serious and I wasn’t taking him seriously.
RH: Alright. If it was a large object, did he describe the shape of the object?
WF: He just said a large round object.
RH: Directly over the LF?
WF: Directly over the site.
(BREAK. Figel describes hearing from the maintenance man about his opening up the silo, going down into it, and reporting that even though the missile was offline, nothing was visually damaged or otherwise amiss at the site.)
RH: Did he describe the object leaving the scene?
WF: No. He never said anything about it again.
(BREAK. Figel describes telling all the maintenance teams to stay at their sites until relieved, and not to attempt repairs until told to do so, since the missile silos were in effect “crime scenes”.)
RH: When you got the first call, well, when the missiles went down, you didn’t have an inkling of an alleged UFO-involvement until you got the report back from the first Strike Team member?
WF: That’s correct. (RH: Actually, upon reviewing the taped conversation with Figel, I realized that the missile maintenance man had apparently mentioned seeing the UFO first.)
RH: Okay, uh, and only one of the two teams reported seeing an object?
WF: Right.
RH: Uh, did you discuss the report with Mr. Carlson—that you were being told that there was a UFO at one of the sites?
WF: Um, he could hear it, uh, I mean he was sitting right there, two feet away from me—
RH: So—
WF: Whatever I said, he would have heard.
(Break. Figel describes going back to Malmstrom with Carlson and being debriefed by “everybody and his brother.”)
RH: Did any of the conversations back at squadron headquarters, uh, was there any mention of UFOs?
WF: I told them everything everyone told me. No one made any comments or inquiries—
RH: So you did mention the report that you got from the Strike Team?
WF: Yes.
RH: And no one asked any questions about UFOs per se?
WF: No.
RH: Did they act skeptically or negatively when you mentioned [the Strike Team’s UFO report]?
WF: They just wrote things down.
RH: [Laughs] That sounds right. Poker-faced and—
WF: [Laughs] Poker-faced and wrote things down. They just said, 'Thank you very much. Don’t talk about it.' I didn’t sign anything, I can tell you that.

(Break. Hastings describes similar testimony from other missileers who were debriefed at Malmstrom and other Strategic Air Command bases, following UFO-related incidents in the missile fields.)<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:pHastings< p and missile the in incidents UFO-related following bases, Command Air Strategic other Malmstrom at debriefed were who missileers from testimony similar describes ST1:p fields.)<><O:p></O:p>
WF: What did Eric [Carlson] have to say [about the shutdown incident]? (RH had interviewed Carlson two weeks earlier, on 10/6/08)

RH: Uh, he said that he couldn’t recall any UFO-involvement in the incident. He couldn’t remember if you had mentioned UFOs, one way or another. His son [James] has now [posted] on a blog, a web log, a couple of lengthy statements in which he defamed Salas, said Salas was a liar, [and said] there was nothing involving UFOs at Echo...

WF: Did Eric say anything else that was a discontinuity [relative to what I’ve said]?
RH: ...Well, I [told Eric] that you had [heard from] a guard or a maintenance person that there was an object above the site, which you’ve confirmed today—
WF: Yes.
RH: —And I asked Eric if he remembered any of that, and he said that he did not. And, um, I asked him why his son would have written this scathing, very negative summary, which I will send [to] you, about the event—
WF: That will be interesting.
RH: —calling Salas a liar, and so on and so forth.
WF: Well, I didn’t do that.
RH: Well, I know, but his son, you know, for whatever reason, his son, James Carlson, has got a bug up his nose and said that nothing happened, there were no reports of UFOs, which you told me is incorrect because you got one.
WF: I did!
RH: Well, according to James, it was all bull and Salas was basically pulling it out of the air. [Eric] Carlson just, he didn’t really want to talk about it, frankly, but he did answer my questions. He just was kind of circumspect. I can’t say that he’s not being truthful when he says he doesn’t remember talking to you about UFOs, but that’s what he told me.
WF: I’m sure we had a long conversation. I mean, I reported everything to him that I heard or was told. I mean, we were together, you know? [Laughs]
RH: Well, it has been 40 years, so we have to take that into account. [That is, the possibility of faded memories.]
Did UFOs return to Malmstrom late in '75? As for Ellsworth '78, I recall the story about aliens causing an airman's rifle to disintegrate was a hoax. But maybe not if they really were there at the time?
Trajanus wrote: Did UFOs return to Malmstrom late in '75?

Go to http://www.nicap.org/babylon/missile_incidents.htm and scroll down to Malmstrom AFB (1975)

Trajanus wrote: As for Ellsworth '78, I recall the story about aliens causing an airman's rifle to disintegrate was a hoax. But maybe not if they really were there at the time?

You are referring to the Ellsworth AFB UFO Hoax, created by disinfo agent/chronic liar/con artist Richard Doty, who was involved in the MJ-12 hoax as well. The alleged episode at one of EAFB's missile silos in 1977, not '78, was exposed as a hoax by Bruce Maccabee in 1987 or so. On the other hand, my contact, John Mills, is a credible source of information. Please read "Diamond in the Sky."
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">"Diamond in the Sky." </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Does that title refer to the thing in the Cash-Landrum case?

Read the article please. I just don't have time to reinvent the wheel every time I post something.

Anybody who believes anything Bill Moore and his "birds" Richard Doty and Bob Collins have to say about MJ-12 should bend over first. Please read my article "Operation Bird Droppings" for the facts.

A recent exchange between Friedman and myself:

Original Message -----
From: Robert Hastings
To: Stan Friedman et al
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009 6:54 PM

Stan knows that I greatly respect his overall body of work but also knows that he and I will never see eye-to-eye on MJ-12.

I note here that Stan has agreed with me on the fraudulent nature of the later MJ-12 "documents" (those originating with Tim Cooper, who failed a polygraph test relating to his involvement with their appearance, and who refused to take another test, even though I recently agreed to pay for it) but Stan still thinks that those provided to him by Moore in the 1980s are legitimate.

As Stan knows, when I recently asked him about Moore's 1989 solicitation of funds in the MUFON UFO Journal (ostensibly to assist in the publication of a booklet on MJ-12, a copy of which would be sent to every contributor) Stan acknowledged that he had once chastised Moore about his failure to ship any booklets to anyone. "I told him that was mail fraud," Stan told me. Moore's response, according to Stan: "I need the money more than they do."

So, that's the kind of person we should trust to give us the facts about the origins of MJ-12, is it?

Character assassination, Stan? Moore killed himself, during his [July 1989] Las Vegas "confession" speech, as impartial observers now know. I just helped the process along, with the publication of my first MJ-12 exposé in March 1989, which left him no choice.

As for that slimeball-masquerading-as-a-cop, Richard Doty, the facts in my more recent MJ-12 paper, "Operation Bird Droppings," speak for themselves. He and/or his co-conspirator in the fleecing of [wealthy UFO enthusiast] Joe Firmage, Bob Collins, can sue me anytime they think they can prove I have slandered [or libeled] them. I welcome the opportunity. As previously noted, putting these guys under oath is the only way we have a shot at the truth.

--Robert Hastings

----- Original Message -----
From: Stanton Friedman
To: Robert Hastings et al
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: the good old days

I surely wish those who think the EBD, TF, and CT memos are fraudulent would produce some evidence as opposed to expressing negative opinions about the characters of the people involved. Try reading my TOP SECRET/MAJIC, “Final Report on Operation Majestic 12” and about six other items I have published. Two are at my website www.stantonfriedman.com. Certainly there are a number of phony documents out there as I have demonstrated with facts and data as opposed to character assassination and guilt by association and research by proclamation. One way they make sense is to detract from the real ones. I might add that Jan also claimed as did others, falsely, that all TOP SECRET Documents must have TS control numbers. Two archivists say that isn’t so. Perhaps he was wrong about other claims?? What is the connection between EBD, TF, CT and Som1.01? They came from 3 different places. Facts should triumph over opinions not based on facts, shouldn’t they?<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p< O:p< font>
<O:p< O:p< font>

Stan Friedman

Given the Soviets had similar incidents, is there any chance of getting former Soviet officers to participate in this? I know the release specifically states former USAF, but I was curious.
Thanks for the excellent work Robert.
Given the Soviets had similar incidents, is there any chance of getting former Soviet officers to participate in this? I know the release specifically states former USAF, but I was curious.
Thanks for the excellent work Robert.

A rep from each nuclear power would be great. (ex. Israel, Pakistan, India...etc.)
Jay wrote: Given the Soviets had similar incidents, is there any chance of getting former Soviet officers to participate in this?

I have already given some thought to this possibility, however, the logistics and costs may rule it out. In any case, a written synopsis of those officers' statements will be presented at the press conference. KLAS reporter George Knapp is the person responsible for getting them on the video record, despite ABC News' use-without-acknowledgement of his footage.
Ezechial wrote: A rep from each nuclear power would be great. (ex. Israel, Pakistan, India...etc.)

Again, bucks and logistics. But a comprehensive overview of nukes-related UFO activity around the world will be printed up and distributed to the journalists in attendance.<!-- / message -->
Has there been any talk about the general connection between UFOs and things like nuclear power plants in the Soviet realm? Now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing anything about that. I still have my copy of Vallee's book about his adventures in looking into UFO reports as the iron curtain was falling. Maybe I'll go take a look. I mean for the book. Then if I find it, I'll see if I can find anything pertinent in there. ::)
From my book, UFOs and Nukes:

Appendix B

UFO Sightings at
Commercial Nuclear Power Plants

Although my own research has been exclusively devoted to UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites, UFO sightings at commercial nuclear power plants have been reported worldwide for over four decades. These incidents are obviously integral to the UFO-Nukes Connection. A short, far from complete, compilation of them appears below—including the widely-reported sighting of a UFO that hovered over the stricken Chernobyl nuclear plant, near <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
</st1:City><ST1:place w:st="on">Kiev</ST1:place>, in Soviet Ukraine, after one of its reactors exploded in April 1986.
But that dramatic incident was certainly not the first to be reported:<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>

Yankee Atomic Power Plant<O:p></O:p>

September 13, 1967: In October 1967, physicist and UFO researcher Dr. James E. McDonald interviewed three individuals--F. Ward Fenn, Mrs. John E. Muzik, and Mrs. Ralph Rarey—who had reported seeing a UFO near the Yankee Atomic Power Plant, at <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Haddam Neck</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">Connecticut</st1:State></ST1:place>. According to the witnesses, the sighting occurred just after 11:00 p.m. As they were driving past the plant, they noticed “6-7 very bright lights” hovering over it, blinking on and off.<SUP> 1</SUP> (Adapted from a synopsis by Mary Castner.)<O:p></O:p>

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant<O:p></O:p>

June 24, 1984: Between 10:30 to 10:45 p.m., twelve security guards at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, near <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Peekskill</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">New York</st1:State></ST1:place>, reported seeing a UFO over the plant. It hovered directly above the exhaust funnel of one of the plant’s three nuclear reactors. UFO investigator Philip J. Imbrogno later interviewed six of the twelve security guards who saw the object. According to the witnesses, it was diamond-shaped and estimated to be 450 feet in length. It changed colors from white to blue to red to green to amber. Local police in <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Peekskill</ST1:place></st1:City> received numerous UFO sighting reports that same night.<SUP>2 </SUP>(Adapted from a synopsis by George D. Fawcett.)<O:p></O:p>
<st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on"></ST1:place></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Chernobyl</ST1:place></st1:City> Nuclear Power Station<O:p></O:p>

April 26, 1986: Referring to the <st1:City w:st="on">Chernobyl</st1:City> disaster, Dr. Vladimir V. Rubtsov, Director of the Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena, in <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Kharkiv</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Ukraine</st1:country-region></ST1:place>, has reported:<O:p></O:p>

“...about one month before the <st1:City w:st="on">Chernobyl</st1:City> disaster I had a talk with an air traffic controller of the <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Kharkov</ST1:place></st1:City> airport. He told me that, according to pilots’ reports, there was a rising number of UFO observations in the area of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station (ChNPS). Later it became known that on the night of the fire in the ChNPS, some 3 hours after the explosion, a team of nuclear specialists saw in the sky over the station a fiery ball of the color of brass...Just before the observation these specialists measured the level of radiation in the place where they were standing. It was…3000 milliroentgens per hour. [After the UFO left, it was] only 800 milliroentgens per hour...”<SUP> 3</SUP> (Adapted from MUFON’s 1994 Symposium Proceedings)<O:p></O:p>

In September 2002, Pravda published an article titled, “UFO Prevents Blast at Chernobyl Nuclear Plant”, saying that hundreds of witnesses saw the UFO. One, Mikhail Varitsky, was quoted as saying, “I and other people from my team went to the site of the blast at night. We saw a ball of fire, and it was slowly flying in the sky. I think the ball was six or eight meters in diameter. Then, we saw two rays of crimson light stretching towards the fourth unit. The object was some 300 meters from the reactor. The event lasted for about three minutes. The lights of the object went out and it flew away in the northwestern direction.” <SUP>4<O:p></O:p></SUP>

Palo Verde Nuclear Power Station<O:p></O:p>

Over the last decade there have been UFO sightings just west of <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Phoenix</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">Arizona</st1:State></ST1:place>, at the Palo Verde nuclear power plant. The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has posted accounts by at least three individuals who witnessed strange aerial activity there. One of the reports is presented here:<O:p></O:p>

July 20, 2004: Bright lights southwest of <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Phoenix</ST1:place></st1:City> near Palo Verde Nuclear Power plant<O:p></O:p>

[At 10:15 p.m.,] I was driving my 18-wheeler west on I-10. At about 20 miles west of <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Phoenix</ST1:place></st1:City> I noticed two bright glowing lights southwest of [me] and just east of the Palo Verde nuclear power plant. They were very bright [and illuminated] the foothills that run on the south of the freeway. [There was] about a 10-mile-distance from where I was and the lights in the sky. The lights were a bright orange, kind of like a street light. These two balls of light [were] side by side...As I was looking at them, all of a sudden, they just slowly faded away and then reappeared further west of the first [position] but this time the lights were on top of each other for about 5-6 min. I had just pulled off the freeway so that I could view them through my binoculars, but all I could make out was the bright light, and no formation. What was kind of rare was to see what seemed to be some jets flying close to the lights in a circling motion. Then all of a sudden [the lights] slowly dimmed out into the night sky. I could still see the jets flying around [and] I could hear them. I didn’t see the lights anymore. A driver who was [traveling] with me saw this as well.<SUP>5<O:p></O:p></SUP>

Surry Nuclear Power Plant<O:p></O:p>

May 19, 2008: Disk Sighted Over Surry Nuclear Power Station, <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Surry County</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">Virginia</st1:State></ST1:place><O:p></O:p>

“At about 12:20 p.m., 19 May 2008, I observed what appeared to be a large, metallic disk hovering very near the Surry Nuclear Power Station. [The sighting was] a little more than hour from the time of this writing, so the memory is still fresh and vivid.<O:p></O:p>

…I spotted an object over the <ST1:place w:st="on">James River</ST1:place>, moving from east to west at a very slow speed. At first I thought it may have been a kite because it was a very windy day (the winds were gusting out of the SW at 20-30 mph)…But when I came to an open spot in the road unobstructed by trees I stopped to get a better look and decided it was much too large to be a kite. It is a about a mile across the channel to the Surry Station and what I saw appeared to be very near the station’s twin domes and it must have been at least as large as they are, and perhaps larger. Besides that the object was moving very slowly against the wind, left to right from my vantage point, and its upper surface caught the sunlight and reflected like a sheet of aluminum foil. Its underside was dark. Then I thought that it might be an advertising balloon or dirigible, but the shape did not seem right. This was definitely a flattened disk. And, because it was so windy it did not seem like a good day to take a blimp up. (And, with security so high these days it does not seem logical that anyone would be permitted to get that close to power station. I have seen military helicopters on training missions over the river, but even they keep a wide berth from the power plant.)<O:p></O:p>

I have eliminated the possibility of helicopters and small aircraft because, as I say, this object was hovering/drifting and appeared to be making a very leisurely circuit of the power plant. I walked down to water’s edge to see if I could get a better look, but without binoculars I couldn’t make out any other useful details. I watched it like this for a good 15-20 minutes. In that time it completely circled the station, moving against the wind. It appeared to correct its angle at times, very slowly rocking up and down…”<SUP><O:p></O:p></SUP>

When NUFORC Director Peter Davenport posted this online, he wrote: “Traditionally, we do not post reports immediately upon receipt, given that even dramatic sightings often end up having some terrestrial explanation. However, in this case, the witness is a skilled scientist (retired), and he was able to observe the object for a considerable length of time, up to 20 minutes, he estimates.”<SUP> 6</SUP><O:p></O:p>
Well, er, uh, of course I meant other than Chernobyl. Yeah, that's what I meant. :o

Man, my reading list keeps getting longer. Thanks for posting that, Robert.<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>