Paranormal Adept
Of course it would be important if it happened. But it was so long ago that I can't imagine that most Americans care one way or the other now. I could bring this up to any of my friends or family and I'm pretty confident all I'd get in return is a look of indifference.
It wasn't such a big deal in itself and was long ago but it, or something much worse, could reccur at any time.
He keeps accusing Hastings and Salas of doing what they are for money. I find that to be an absurd charge. It is extremely rare for anyone investigating and writing about UFOs to make money from it. I don't know why he can't accept that the reason they feel the way they do is because they honestly believe it to be true.
I imagine they did make a few bucks from Faded Giant but I still agree with the last statement.