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WTF Are We Talking About?

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I truly enjoy hearing different viewpoints, but not as dogmatic declarations of fact without any supporting evidence. There always seems to be an underlying hostility in such posts and a putdown of anyone who disagrees as being basically stupid.
ArizonaWill said:
I truly enjoy hearing different viewpoints, but not as dogmatic declarations of fact without any supporting evidence. There always seems to be an underlying hostility in such posts and a putdown of anyone who disagrees as being basically stupid.

What bothers me most is not just the repetition but the fact that you can't engage them on their claims.
For what it is worth:

Maybe I am out of touch but Anonymous22 looked to be responding to the posts as anyone else would with strong convictions. I was interested in hearing his theory on the subject as a whole. I guess I better watch my step; I feel I have been at least as aggressive as he at times.
Seth said:
For what it is worth:

Maybe I am out of touch but Anonymous22 looked to be responding to the posts as anyone else would with strong convictions. I was interested in hearing his theory on the subject as a whole. I guess I better watch my step; I feel I have been at least as aggressive as he at times.

Well, he was basically posting nearly the same message over and over again, which is one of that reasons that we asked him to settle down. After we gave him a one week "time out" from our boards, he promptly rejoined under another name. I lose respect for people like that real quickly.

I respect someone who has passionate about his or her beliefs. But when someone's just trolling for an argument, we react fast.
Geez, I go away for half a day, and things heat up. What was the question again? ;) Ah yes, should we abandon terms such as ET, ETH, etc?

For some reason, I prefer 'alien' to 'ET'. An alien doesn't have to come from another planet, just from some other place that isn't here. That said, most people automatically think of visitors from other planets when they hear the word 'alien'. It's a tough question to answer, mainly because none of us really know what any of this UFO/ET stuff is about.

I have a pet theory that UFOs and alleged alien abductions aren't related, but that whatever lies behind the alien abduction phenomenon, is exploiting human interest in the UFO issue, in order to deceive us about its true nature. Then again, when I read my pet theory back to myself, it kind of sounds bullshitty. Which brings me back to my original point. How can we come up with universally acceptable terms to describe aspects of the UFO enigma, when we don't know anything concrete about it? Whatever terms we use, someone is going to have issues with them, based upon their own subjective beliefs.

I have issues with the term 'ET', because we don't know if any of the entities reported by witnesses are actually from other physical worlds. Others amongst us will have different objections to the use of certain terminology. Time for a change of terminology? Maybe, but unless we get a better handle on this whole enigma, all we will ever have is inadequate terms and acronyms.
Anonymous22 said:
I recommend a reading list -

Greenfield (you're officially up there, Allen.)

Oh yeah, and maybe a little history in the use of psychological testing methodology by western governments. Roswell, the Hill's, Kecksberg, Rendelsham... all have nothing to do with the truth regarding this phenomenon - they were all psych exercises. The really interesting stuff isn't in the mainstream. You have to dig a little deeper.

You name dropper, I bet you haven't read a single book by Descartes, Kant, or Hume. But you've heard smart people talk about them and thus are parroting their lists of titles.

These Vallee disciples get on my nerves. I don't think you have any idea what he means by "psycho-sociological" phenomenon. You read it in an essay somewhere and thought that it sounds smart because it has a lot of syllables. Now you're off parroting it like my childhood pet bird Scooter. What does it mean? Define it.

I'll stop now, since you're no longer able to defend yourself, what with having been booted and all.
Fun thread.

Might it help to note down all of our assumptions? Such as, many UFO encounters appear to have personal significance for the viewer. But what if UFOs don't have any meaning on the human scale? What if its not "about us"?
Anonymous22 said:
Anyone who wants to believe in ET should listen to the clowns on Boast to Toast. This subject is too important.

Argg, if the answer IS ET then the subject is indeed important, if its not if its just some govt hanky panky then its not
if its just a manifestation of human conciousness then its even less.
or at least no more important than other govt hanky panky or other manifestations of human conciousness.

and like the hosts i dont mind you having convictions and passion, but you have to be prepared to engage and defend your claims with at least some semmblance of an attempt at proving it.

to simply ram it down ppls necks as fact without any other reference than your personal authority has no value here.

its about exchanging ideas and data sources,

you dont offer an exchange of ideas, if your going to provide "answers" you need to be able to respond to the questions that ineviatably arise

you "smell" like a hardline god botherer coming in from an oblique angle
So you feel that coming up here and just blowing off your steam is a reasonable way to go? Gratuitous confrontations with people you don't know, hiding under anonymity? Yeah, you're a prince.

I emailed you privately, asking you to chill a bit, but no, you have to just express yourself any f u c k i n g way you please, the hell with a private request to tone it down a bit.

Whatever, do what you want. I don't know why we bother providing this type of forum - with NO financial support - so people like you can sign up here and s h i t on the threads as you please. You obviously don't read worth a damn - I stated that I personally agree with many of your statements, but just asked you to tone it down A BIT. if you actually had a DROP of respect for the work we put into the show, you'd honor the request. But instead, you've shown your true colors. Great. Any good points you would make are overshadowed by your behavior. Assholes like YOU make me reconsider doing this show all the time. Thanks for reminding me of my own frustrations.

Anonymous22 said:
Look, if you really want to get up close and personal with this phenomenon, just convince Jeff to take you out onto a certain field around 3am sometime and you'll see the light show up close. You'll never, ever want to see it again but whenever you close your eyes at night, for the rest of your life, you'll relive the experience. It's not funny and it has nothing to do with ET's. It will scare you to your bone and there's a good chance you'll never be able to discuss it, because the experience often has a self locking mechanism.

Ok, who are you. Email me: [email protected]

Your writing style is really familiar...I just cant place it. Maybe we can discuss till you're unbanned.
Shades of he who shall not be named. (shudder)

Also reminds me of Jeremy's recent Kitei bugaboo, sometimes it ain't about the subject but about the messenger. I hate it when that happens. ::)
David Biedny said:
you're a prince.

I emailed you privately, asking you to chill a bit,

indeed thats the heart of the issue, this is the Hosts House and if they did you the courtesy of Privately mailing you and asking you to wipe your feet at the door, then you should resolve that Privately before posting again. thats just good manners

i'll admit i sometimes wonder about some of the things ive posted cognizant of the "sensitivity" of the hosts in some areas, but i do the same when i visit someones home in real life. its part of the normal politeness we use in such a social situation.

freedom of speech is your right, but being here is not. its a priveledge.
and one that the hosts dont ask much for.
I didn't criticize you for mentioning those philosophers. I criticized you for dropping their names.

Tell me specifically how the thinking of Descartes, Kant, or Hume can help provide answers to the UFO enigma, don't just say it does. You have to break things down into great detail for simpleton C2C listeners and ETH believers like me.
I sent not one, but TWO private emails today to your anonymous22 account, asking you to tone it down. One was in response to the lengthy private email you sent, which I genuinely wanted to discuss with you. Now you're basically calling me a liar. Thanks.

Your idea of a debate is to throw up a one-sentence, antagonistic proclamation, with nothing backing it up. That's called TROLLING in the online world.

I will not be looking at your posts, nor will you be invited back here. Sayonara.

blindethos said:
Over to you Mr. Ritzman. Perhaps you can convince him of his utter over reaction.

and bango he/she does it again. Mr Ritzman asked you to email him
but you insist on posting on a board where the hosts have asked you not too.

F for fail, disturbs rest of class and doesnt follow instructions
"Mike": I have already made an emphatic declaration regarding my respect for this space, fully apologized for any misinterpretation of my remarks and stated my respect for the work done on the show. I don't want to repeat myself, I might get trouble once again.