My understanding is that the "Hard problem" isn't a real might imagine many 'problems' invented by an embedded PSM machine that models itself in the world
within its material self... The problem we are trying to solve is akin to trying to use the digits of a particular very large (4096) RSA modulus to determine the transform function of another modulus (again an RSA 4096)...the problem is we see the same mechanism or functional outcome in two completely different realms (key and transform space) of meaning...while the mathematical underpinnings of a particular key pair A are precisely the same as B, nevertheless there is no way to derive any inside information on the actual specifics of the information transform by using the data from A to infer B or vice versa (in general this is absolutely true, or else our strongest crypto algorithms would be useless).
RSA (cryptosystem) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Much apologies for the esoteric analogy, but it is the closest I can get to this concept (surprisingly close). Feel free to ask for clarification if you want more depth (as such that would make your eyes bleed if necessary

Likewise it would be very difficult to recreate the physical and relational situations that would merge your PSM virtual simulation of "mineness" with another independent VM...the point is that once both VMs merged their PSMs into one, they would reinterpret the entire history of the separate VM "minenesses" as a degenerate version of their current merger...
In simple terms (proof coming!) if two minds are able to directly copy the immediate experience totality of the other, they would cease to consider the separate forms as comprehensible...together they would re-write the entire history of their own existence and would--in effect--nullify each independent thread into another PSM (which is what we do with our own DNA replicators and former ancestry...near and distant).
A thing is a think.
Edit: Tip..Question, interrogate and remember the phenomenon of the "problem" we cannot let our own questions pass unexamined...a question pre-loads its metaphysics before we even understand what is the basis. "But already when we ask, 'what is _____?' we stand in an understanding of the 'is' without being able to define conceptually what the 'is' means. We do not even know the horizon upon which we are supposed to grasp and pin down the meaning.
This average and vague understanding of being is a fact." -- Heidegger,
Being and Time (Stambaugh trans.)
This is extremely subtle, as our own feelings (our only true method of validation) of the merger of two PSMs is the retro-active irrelevancies that are uncovered by the merged PSM...which were (and this is very important)
once relevant to each separate PSM...once they have achieved the comprehension of the mystery, they have re-worked the separate histories into a unified interpretation rubric...that rubric, which was individually meaningful to the separate PSMs now becomes an objective account of the formation of the current PSM (merged)...we can sense this because we don't recognize the former mergers of the PSMs of our ancestry (so we are stuck again with the same question).