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  1. paraschtick

    Further discussion of Hypnosis goes here

    Thanks for that Ron. I only put it together on the spur of the moment, and didn't really think how I put it down that much. It literally is just a series of points that came to me as I read it (not that I really took any notes of any import ... maybe someone more literate and with a psychology...
  2. paraschtick

    Further discussion of Hypnosis goes here

    Blimey. I saw that this post had been posted in this thread at the top of the forum web page when I logged in just now, and thought I would have a look. And the post was for me!! How exciting :D. Well it sounds like really deep relaxation. The only problem I have with relaxation though is that...
  3. paraschtick

    What happened to our culture in the late 60s/early 70s?

    According to Dave Macgowan, the supposed 'counter culture' was created by nefarious forces anyway (and when you read what he's says about Laurel Canyon on his website ... see link below... you can see what he's getting at). So culture itself was sort of undermined starting with the anti-war...
  4. paraschtick

    JFK Assassination Conspiracy Photo

    According to Michael Collins Piper who some believe has written the definitive version of the JFK assassination ... and who some people claims is anti-semitic, un-american, anti-white, pro-white, a zionist shill etc etc etc ... he's been called everything in his time, Robert Grodin knows zip...
  5. paraschtick

    Extraordinary Claims DO NOT Require Extraordinary Evidence

    Pretty much agree with that. Any evidence of an extraterrestrial civilisation will be pretty extraordinary to us even if it is only an alien spoon. Any evidence is evidence. It can be the most ordinary of things such as a spoon ... or it could be a neutrino laser cannon. If both come from an...
  6. paraschtick

    New Evidence Could Prove That The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real !

    I didn't but you're probably right :D ... its so difficult to tell sometimes. I have to take it on trust that the person posting is the same person as the poster says he/she is ... and then ... say something really dumb ... put my foot in it big time :D. I say we just ignore any posts to do...
  7. paraschtick

    UFOs, Language and Occam's Razor

    Thank you. I will now calm down and read the post :D (I'm easily pleased!!) ... carry onnnnn!!!
  8. paraschtick

    UFOs, Language and Occam's Razor

    I know this is going to be a bit ... bitchy. But I can't be bothered reading this thread. Why? Because the original poster can't seem to be able spell "Occam's Razor". Come on already. Its not difficult just to do a quick search on the net to find the correct spelling. I find I'm getting less...
  9. paraschtick

    New Evidence Could Prove That The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real !

    Apparently this bloke has said that the Chicago O'Hare incident was a hoax (!!). I think he might just be a wee tad flakey. Tomorrow he'll probably say that the Meier stuff is a hoax again. Actually reading some other stuff he says that he hoaxed some of the reported Chicago O'Hare pics as...
  10. paraschtick

    Torchwood: Children of Earth

    I've not seen Children of Earth yet ... but ... I do know that you will need a big box of tissues for the 5th episode. So don't say I didn't warn you :D. ps Dr Who fans ... how cool is Matt Smith??? :cool:
  11. paraschtick

    Richard Theilmann – Stolen Valor or a failsafe contingency for another covert mission

    Richard Theilmann – Stolen Valor or a failsafe contingency for another covert mis It never ends as you say Don. Still Theilmann will be in for something "grueling". Mmmm ... gruel ... lovely ... still its what he deserves. Pity the Open Minds idiots can't be "grueled" too.
  12. paraschtick

    Nussbeck's finest hour

    Ahhh it all becomes clear now. Nut-beck by name nut-beck by nature :D ... what would we do without Ronald Nussbeck??? Probably a lot of things ... thinking about it :D
  13. paraschtick

    Nussbeck's finest hour

    Maybe you guys are missing the point (or I'm completely wrong about this ... wouldn't be the first time :D). He's using an "artists impression" of the planet. He's not using a real photo from the Hubble! Now do you get it??? :D
  14. paraschtick

    Nussbeck's finest hour

    Well ... I suddenly realised that I hadn't heard anything from Ronald Nussbeck for a while. Yes him of strange photograph imaging fame ... so I did a wee search on the google and came up with the following. I'm not going to say anything ... but I almost fell off my chair when I saw it: UFO...
  15. paraschtick

    Para stuff on internet

    Cliff Pickover. Is there a guy more in love with maths and young women?? I don't think so :D He always has some interesting links on his site. I give it a good looking through every few weeks or months just to see what female mathematician with very few clothes on he's linked to this time ...
  16. paraschtick

    Kimball, Ecker, Bosley on Radio Misterioso, June 20th

    Bestest pizza I ever had was in the Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar in Pakistan in 1996. I have no memory of what was in it lest to say that my mouth tingled in a strange and fantastic way. The entire pizza was like this and I've never had another like it. Unfortunately, last year the...
  17. paraschtick

    Frank Sidebottom RIP

    Yeah it is sad. He was strange but totally original and totally un-malicious ... if thats a word. One less eccentric personality always makes the world a little less colourful. Still there's always Will Ferrell ... or Eddie Murphy ... or ... hmmm
  18. paraschtick

    Frank Sidebottom RIP

    Sad day today. Frank Sidebottom has died.:( Now most of you probably have never heard of Frank. He was, in a nutshell, an original ... and rather silly and strange comedian from the North of England. He wore a papier mache head and spoke like someone had put a clothespeg on his nose. He...
  19. paraschtick

    Computer Technology Found Documented in Ancient Texts

    I just started giggling insanely after a while. I just couldn't believe it could be true ... and I'm not entirely sure it is or ... isn't. If it is supposedly humorous then it has failed miserably. I can spot irony or sarcasm or whatever a mile off ... but if it is far too dry then the...
  20. paraschtick

    Computer Technology Found Documented in Ancient Texts

    Wow ... my god. I've seen some crap in my time but this one definitely takes the biscuit. My jaw literally has dropped several inches watching the first of the two videos mentioned above. I literally cannot believe my eyes. I cannot believe that anyone firstly would think this up, sit down and...