Paranormal Adept
Can you elaborate ?
In what way?
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Can you elaborate ?
In what way?
If you research and find out what the leaders of the nations that oppose Israel's action actually say, I believe you will find that what they say is that Israel does not have the right to exist as a Zionist state. The Zionist have highjack the word Jewish but many Jews oppose Israel's existence as a Zionist state. The neighbour issue is a telling one. It tells of the power of the ruling elite that they have been able to use the United States to break up any attempt for Arab unity (see Gamal Abdel Nasser.) Before the United States involvement was the English dividing and conquering the Arab peoples. Blood should be thicker than money.Are you saying, Tyger, that Israel has no right to exist?
Well not exactly. When God gave the land to Abraham, was the land empty? God gave so much land that it goes as far as modern day Iraq. Moses brought the Hebrew people back and was told to eliminate everyone, living the land, in what became under David, Israel, (uniting the north and the south.) First Israel was eliminated, and then Judah was kicked out of the land by God because the people were bad. Jews (some Jewish sects believe this) that returning to the land now called Israel is against God's will. All through the middle ages Arabs and Jews lived in Palestine\Israel with Arabs being the majority. Therefore Michaelangel it does not matter which beginning you choose, it was not theirs to begin with."...the very land that was theirs to begin with."
"...the very land that was theirs to begin with."
Well not exactly. When God gave the land to Abraham, was the land empty?
I don't read the bible unless I want to find quotes. Can you tell me where I can find this:
Moses brought the Hebrew people back and was told to eliminate everyone,...
Deuteronomy 7Flipper
I don't read the bible unless I want to find quotes. Can you tell me where I can find this:
Moses brought the Hebrew people back and was told to eliminate everyone,...
Wrong. I've apologized to Randal on a couple of occasions (I now regret to say) - until I understood the game he was running/playing - and now I don't bother, mainly because I have not really done anything to him (as you very well know, Randall). He has never apologized to me btw. Same as you. Your texting behavior on the Paranormal thread was atrocious. Not one peep of remorse from you for being - well, you know what you are.No, I'm not Randall, for the last time. I'm saying it again, yet again, because you owe him another apology for that accusation, again.
Ha!It's sick, this obsession you have with him.
On both the Paranormal thread and this thread you have tried to bait me out. You have done direct shout-outs to me on both this thread and the Paranormal thread. You also identify me by skewed references. It's clear what you're doing. It's also clear that you have some sort of need to maintain a connection to me. Should I be flattered? I'm not.There had to be a balanced response, and that's why I came in, not to stalk you. Another evidence of an overweening self indulgence.
I am not on many threads, in fact. My presence on this chat site is very limited. You have to be trying to find me to think that I am all the threads.What thread aren't you on, vociferously so?
You're not doing a particularly good job. JMO.I'm here as a voice for Israel.
You haven't done a good job of this. Please identify what comments are 'out of control' and 'out of line' regarding Jews and Israel. I'll assume you can't do that identification - which is why you haven't.I came on this thread to correct the out of control and out of line comments regarding Jews and Israel.
For sure it's a hostile region but not because Israel is Jewish. I would guess if the UN had swept clear Palestine for a Seventh Day Adventist national state the Palestinians and Arab states in general would still have been hostile. There was a mistake committed at the inception. The British should have just released Palestine, allowing the UN to oversee the creation of a Palestinian state that the Jews and Muslims could have participated in equally.All facts point to Israel defending itself against a hostile region,
No they do not. If you believe this I would ask that you explain this belief as from what you say I would assume that you are a religious Jew - or a religious Zionist. As Christopher Hitchens says (one of the times I agree with him) that belief is messianic and superstitious.the Jews do have an historic right to have established a state there
Nope. A national state based on religion cannot be a 'true democracy'.it is a true democracy
Yes and no. Israel is its own worst enemy.and is fighting for its existence.
That's up for debate. The facts speak otherwise.It has bent over backwards over decades to bring peace,
You need to go back to your history books. Not so.those decades punctuated by wars begun by Arab coalitions,
If true, the symptom of desperate people. Israel needs to consider what would make the Palestinians less desperate, more happy, more pleased to be Israel's neighbor.those decades marked by unceasing terrorist attacks,
You're right there. Scary. Something clearly needs to change so that the Palestinians are not driven by that level of desperation. Trying to tunnel out of their prison - how dare they!now more than ever facilitated by tunnels lined with unbelievable tons of concrete NOT used in construction of infrastructure.
A tad OTT. There a few participating, I think you mean.I could go on and on, but people on this thread, the tiny number dominating it,
I am not aware of any hatred expressed here toward Israel. There is definitely criticism - you seem to think that is hatred? There is definitely a sense that the Palestinians have been oppressed - do you interpret any benign view in that direction a suggestion of anti-Israel sentiment? Where you see anti-semitism is unclear.have a hatred of Israel that goes beyond the capacity of facts to remedy.
Instead of categoric statements you need to be more clear where you see 'depravity'.It's nearly a depravity, as shown in comments.
Given what you have just demonstrated regarding your ability to read and understand text - and accurately report what you have read - I fear that I don't have a great deal of confidence in your 'extensive study' of the Vandals.And, yes, my study was of the Vandals, extensively so.
I think we both know who is really the pretender here.It's not hard to catch you in pretense.
Might that describe you? Kettle black and all that? You produce a lot of text but say nothing of substance. You just make accusations.You let yourself run at the pen with little self control.
Could you show where such has occurred? You need to quote correctly so that the quote's origin can be traced. Taking out-of-context isn't helpful.You're not the only one of the few who've run wild with anti Jewish comments on this thread.
Fact is you have presented nothing to convince that my analogy was 'off'. Since you claim/pretend to know better, I await your elucidation on the matter. Don't hold back. I think I'll be able to follow your superior grasp of the Vandal analogy and where I went wrong in my 'pretentiousness'.There's a view that if you can catch a pretender in one thing, like the Vandals, it can cause the whole house of cards to become suspect.
No. That's your imagination/fantasy working overtime.This thread needed balance, and you resent it.
From this I think I intimidate you. Oh.While the others often were just nasty in comments about Israel, as in murdering their own children to start this war, you are more consciously iron fist in velvet glove, couching your assertions that Israel in its present form should not exist ( whatever the heck that means) in more pretentious "intellectual" terms.
Will you ever be more open about what you are talking about? In what way did I get 'caught'? In what way was my analogy inaccurate? You must say - not just accuse.You got caught, and you really have no idea what I mean about your invoking the Vandals.
Ah, yes, the great hope I have for you, Randall. When you can cease and desist from this kind of posting I will have hope for you.I'm me, as much as you're you, and nobody else, so grow up
I think you would be best served by stating your views clearly and succinctly. Full stop. Refrain from making your posts a shout-out to me or blunted references to what you think my past views have been (you are seriously skewed in your thinking regarding me if you believe what you post and are not just trolling for kicks). Make your posts about the topic and not about others. All good advice. Posters will be able to take you more seriously, I think you'll find.accept my presence for what it is, my effort to give some balance to a lopsided bunch of comments.