Agree 100%, that's what I'm thinking.
Some ideas rattling through my head:
- something big is up involving international security so everybody staying quiet is needed while it gets sorted out
- it was hijacked and the hijackers are demanding the silence (think about the public pressure to take out the hijackers if it's on the ground somewhere)
- whoever took it doesn't care about the people, they just want the plane. It's worth $30-50M USD.
- it's part of a much larger scheme. Park the plane, pack it full of explosives, put the people back on it, and fly it somewhere like Delhi or Mumbai or somewhere, demand $1B while it's in the air. Or gamble that it won't be shot down and will take out your target. Wasn't that on an episode of BSG? They cylons took a carrier full of humans, brought it back with a nuke on board, and headed it straight for the fleet betting that the humans would flinch?
Whatever it was, it was something bad. I'm guessing it's on the ground in a hanger somewhere.