Still Seeking Samantha
You don't need to use God as a reason to do good things.
How do I know if what I'm doing is a "good" thing? Whose definition of that word can I accept? It can't be totally up to me, or you, or the whims of each individual to decide, because then we just spiral into never-ending multilayered battles of individual wills to power. We've seen that worldview play itself out over and over again. That's no way for a planet to operate.
Religion aside, don't we necessarily need--philosophically--a First Cause, a Prime Mover, Being itself in order to have a grounding for notions such as "goodness," "truth," "justice," etc.? For example, The Constitution has meaning only insofar as it recognizes a higher truth as the very grounding and source of the self-evident truth that each human being is born with certain inalienable human rights, and those rights are intelligible enough that the Framers specifically identified them. If there really doesn't exist at least the deistic proposition of God, then the Constitution has no meaning, there are no such things as human rights, "law" evaporates, and all is permissible.
A multitude of the world's best and brightest thinkers have pondered these questions for thousands of years and produced very profound work. It really is a shame to see the same questions treated so flippantly, and to see that long line of brilliant and diverse thinkers lumped in with the likes of Marzulli, to be dismissed with such easy prejudice, contempt, and cynicism.
Anyone who wants to base their entire reality on the Bible should have fun, I could give a shit, but to try to impose it's brutal violence, wanton destructiveness and obvious man-made origins as the will and word of whatever is behind this vast Universe we live in, is a load of horseshit.