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New Jacques Vallee Interview:

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If all that were the case then we wouldn't know as much about the Nuclear Deterrents Program as we do now, like for example what we see in this USAF news clip ( starts at 55 secs ), or is this disinfo too? How old does that kid who's posted as security seem? Maybe 13 or 14?
She would have to fake a lot of ID stuff to be 13/14. LOL. :D

Regardless, there are plenty of training videos of missile launch protocols that were released to the public, especially during the Cold War, and this has absolutely nothing to do with covert nighttime air perimeter "security probe" incursions... (Imo, these would be done for security assessment planning on rare occasions. Probably on a 5-10 year reassessment schedule and only done as needed to test some new protocol or idea, etc.)

So what is the point of showing that Air Force video??? We don't need ANY of those silos anymore anyway. What we can launch by Sub, Navy, Aircraft, and our perceived allies is more than enough to meet our WMD MAD protocols. Missile Silos are a total RIP OFF of taxpayer money, PERIOD.
You won't get FOIA on a covert compartmentalized WMD nuclear black ops "security probe" team's activities or results and analysis. To be honest, even I believe there are serious national security reasons to never disclose this activity.

There are serious national (and international) security reasons never to engage in such activity.

I'm glad Covert Black Ops simulated UFO aerial perimeter incursions, imo, a good idea. . . .

Not proved. And not a good idea.
One more question: why would the 'Black Ops' outfit you think is responsible for all the ufo sightings (and interferences) directly over nuclear weapons and nuclear power sites need to repeat its 'tests' of these facilities and their personnel again and again and again and again up to the present?

Actually, one more question needs to be answered: how reasonable is it to think that the military and governmental PTB that created this supposed Black Ops 'testing' project would risk the mental stability of the military personnel responsible for the security of these weapons and potentially provoke the unintentional firing of one or more of them with massively destructive consequences following in short order?
There really are very few in number considering these weapons have been around more than 65+ years. Please list out all these ET-UFO probes that are in such high numbers at nuclear weapons sites???

The missile silo people don't launch without orders to launch including launch codes too! I KNOW ET isn't there to do that anyway, since all those Silo ET Men Making Money w/Lectures and Books run on the Peace on Earth theme, right??? :D Also, the launch team pair below does not deal with the surface traffic. Those two people are on lock down and are trained to only follow procedures -the surface is scorched earth and nuked and they're down there waiting anyway for orders and launch codes.

I'll track down that Vallee quote soon......
She would have to fake a lot of ID stuff to be 13/14. LOL. :D

Regardless, there are plenty of training videos of missile launch protocols that were released to the public, especially during the Cold War, and this has absolutely nothing to do with covert nighttime air perimeter "security probe" incursions... (Imo, these would be done for security assessment planning on rare occasions. Probably on a 5-10 year reassessment schedule and only done as needed to test some new protocol or idea, etc.)

So what is the point of showing that Air Force video??? We don't need ANY of those silos anymore anyway. What we can launch by Sub, Navy, Aircraft, and our perceived allies is more than enough to meet our WMD MAD protocols. Missile Silos are a total RIP OFF of taxpayer money, PERIOD.

Although the examples have nothing to do with the alleged 'nighttime air perimeter "security probe" incursions', they have everything to do with the logic you're using, which is that the operations going on at these facilities is so super secret for national security reasons that we'd never be shown anything as relatively mundane as a security evaluation test ( with fake UFOs or otherwise ), yet here we have pictures on YouTube from the inside of one of the sites! I'm sorry but until I see something more substantial than hearsay from Vallée's alleged insider, I have very little reason to take the claim seriously.
Although the examples have nothing to do with the alleged 'nighttime air perimeter "security probe" incursions', they have everything to do with the logic you're using, which is that the operations going on at these facilities is so super secret for national security reasons that we'd never be shown anything as relatively mundane as a security evaluation test ( with fake UFOs or otherwise ), yet here we have pictures on YouTube from the inside of one of the sites! I'm sorry but until I see something more substantial than hearsay from Vallée's alleged insider, I have very little reason to take the claim seriously.
You're blind sided by your belief and naivety that revealing Covert Black Ops Top Secret Nuclear Weapons Probe Testing Protocols ...will ever be made public! No way! Doing that reveals strengths and weaknesses and helps potential enemies. Duhhh! That's not happening! Ever! Especially, considering another layer of security with Homeland Security after 911. Be blind to this all you want. You're being very naive about National Security protocols and secrecy at missile launch sites, imo.

That video you referred to means nothing!!! I've already told you about real Air Force Missile Launch Simulations made public on film and TV for public viewing many times at least as far back as the 1970's!!! Get real, man. :) That has nothing to do with how threats are handled top side.
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There really are very few in number considering these weapons have been around more than 65+ years. Please list out all these ET-UFO probes that are in such high numbers at nuclear weapons sites???

You evidently haven't researched this question yourself. Read Hastings's book, or even just his and others' papers and interviews on this subject readily available on the internet.

. . . the launch team pair below does not deal with the surface traffic.

Again, you need to read the accounts of the information received by launch teams from the security guards on the surface and the communications exchanged with the officers in charge of the bases.

I'll track down that Vallee quote soon......


Thirdly, we may be dealing with more than one species of alien, and not all may be at the same technological level. In the books, I ran across at least one story someplace where a person claimed they were miraculously cured as a result of some sort of UFO encounter.

Just a few starter points there to ponder, discuss, whatever ... :)

There are good aliens after all.
One case I know of is Bernadete's, who was cured from Chagas disease by an alien
BTW - I know Denise Slater, her parents and her sister. We lived in the same building for a while. Her father was mine's army colleague and friend. The went to the military academy (Agulhas Negras) together. They are serious people. The pdf for the whole interview are here:




...Denise Slater: Now there’s one story of him that really fascinates me. I had told Bob Pratt and he did not
know what to do with it. In Bob’s book he wrote about the deaths in Brazil caused by the UFOs. But in the
story I am about to tell you is how an UFO gave back life, and that really puzzled Bob Pratt. He was just
overtaken by it. This is in my grandfather’s book, and it was a very big thing in Brazil at the time. It was in
all the news everywhere. It was a huge thing in the press at the time that it happened...

...But to make the long story short: he went to the hospital and against the advice (of course) of all of the
doctors he gets Bernadete out of there. She was given no more than two or three days more to live,
according to the doctors. She was dying. He got her out of the hospital and he took her to kilometer 19 on
the road of Unai with his group and he asks Bernadete, (because she knew about all of his work, his
research and his UFO sightings) “Do you have the courage for this, Bernadete?” And she says, “Yes.” “Do
you want to be saved by them?” She says, “Yes.” So even though she could barely walk she decided to go.
My grandfather receivedthe telepathic message of the day that he had to go there with her. He brought her
there. An UFO comes and it lands near them. It may have been 1 or 2 miles away, I don’t know the details.
But from the craft comes out an alien surrounded by a blue light. He walked with this cloud of light around
him. ...It looks like a cocoon of blue light and he ordered (telepathically to her) for Bernadete to walk
toward him. She walked toward that creature as it walked toward her. My grandfather was seeing from a
distance, and so were the other people in the group. I don’t know how many or who, but they all see the
shape. There was a human shape to it, but he was just surrounded by this blue light and he has this device
that looked like a huge syringe. Everything was blue. He telepathically sent the message to Bernadete,
“This will hurt, but it will heal you.” So he asked for her left arm and he put this injection of blue light
inside of her arm, and she said it was horrible pain, and she didn’t move. This light went inside her. She
walked away. My grandfather met her and the alien walked back to his craft and took off. She was taken
back to the hospital. Two days later the tests of her heart showed that it was back to normal. Her heart had
shrunk and it was back to normal.
She’s alive to this day, and if you want to ask her you any questions I have her phone number. I will talk to
her when I go to Brazil in July. She’s the only case of “spontaneous healing” from Chagas disease alive in
the world, and she was in all of the newspapers, TV and news at the time (in the late 70's). It was a huge,
huge thing. They were in the national news every night for many, many, many weeks. She is the only
living case of healing, and not only healing but doing so in two days. So the doctors know she left the
hospital for two days and she came back and her heart had shrunk back to normal.
Would you quote the statements by Vallee that you consider to be 'revelations' he received from a "Black Ops Military insider now retired" and statements he made expressing his conviction that what he learned from this individual explains [...]
This is almost word for word [the meaning is exact] from a George Noory C2C interview... [It's probably the most recent w/Noory.]


There is the intervention of intelligence services [relating to UFOs]. There are people playing games. Now, some of those games may be psychological warfare exercises that may be very legitimate from the point of view of military or training of special forces. To give an example, that is not speculation, I have a friend and colleague in VC that was in special forces, and he did this in the 70's and 80's... [The objective] was to attempt penetration into nuclear sites and they would drop from the sky at night with devices that looked like UFOs. […] So, if a flying saucer or the Virgin Mary comes over the fence [at the missile site] this is going to test reactions vs what happens if a helicopter comes over the fence. The helicopter gets shot down.

Attempting security incursions with such fantastic or weird confrontations is a legitimate exercise once you understand the reasoning for it.

Hey, plenty of people know this was happening too. I'm not a genius to figure that one out, it seemed obvious to me, and I didn't need Vallee to tell me either. Many ET-UFO people are just too religious in their belief systems 'and' underestimate the incredibly devious and dangerous nature of Mankind vs ET. Imo.

That's why PSYOPS works too! :)
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There was a 2010 mufon video in which Denise and her father told Bernadete's story. It's gone!!!!!!!
I only found a pdf of the first part of the presentation. I am still looking for the second part in which the story is told.
In this video, at 36:50 the case Bernadete is presented. However, it is in Portuguese. But you can see Bernadete speaking.
And here is the pdf of the first part of the presentation at MUFON 2010
This is almost word for word [the meaning is exact] from a George Noory C2C interview...


There is the intervention of intelligence services [relating to UFOs]. There are people playing games. Now, some of those games may be psychological warfare exercises that may be very legitimate from the point of view of military or training of special forces. To give an example, that is not speculation, I have a friend and colleague in VC that was in special forces, and he did this in the 70's and 80's... [The objective] was to attempt penetration into nuclear sites and they would drop from the sky at night with devices that looked like UFOs. […] So, if a flying saucer or the Virgin Mary comes over the fence [at the missile site] this is going to test reactions vs what happens if a helicopter comes over the fence. The helicopter gets shot down.

Attempting security incursions with such fantastic or weird confrontations is a legitimate exercise once you understand the reasoning for it.

Hey, plenty of people know this was happening too. I'm not a genius to figure that one out, it seemed obvious to me, and I didn't need Vallee to tell me either. Many ET-UFO people are just too religious in their belief systems 'and' underestimate the incredibly devious and dangerous nature of Mankind vs ET. Imo.

That's why PSYOPS works too! :)

I dont believe it even if he did say it, no-one could do those kind of exercise's at those type's of base's, not without the top staff knowing, there's no argument to be made, people would be killed, shot dead, it's that simple, these were no micky-mouse base's.
I dont believe it even if he did say it, no-one could do those kind of exercise's at those type's of base's, not without the top staff knowing, there's no argument to be made, people would be killed, shot dead, it's that simple, these were no micky-mouse base's.
Sorry to say, you definitely have not thought this through! Human lives were not put in jeopardy, and the accounts of incursions by the ET Silo Lecturers NEVER said anyone fired weapons! I wonder why? :)

Oh, and your other point is solved by "need to know", and that is all you "need to know". Understand? Wink.

Yes, Jacques Vallee meant exactly what I wrote above [with slight corrections for writing purposes]. Don't believe me, then get the last Noory C2C interview with J.V.
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I'm with the Manx. Your hypothesis doesn't stand up to reason. You also need to read Hastings's exhaustive research and absorb what his many witnesses to these events (going on a hundred of them by now) have reported.
I'm with the Manx. Your hypothesis doesn't stand up to reason. You also need to read Hastings's exhaustive research and absorb what his many witnesses to these events (going on a hundred of them by now) have reported.
Please comment on what Vallee said. Why not take him at his word?

I watched ALL the Silo Heroes at the Mock Disclosure Event. I believe Vallee ANY DAY over Hastings and Salas. Hastings & Salas is on the Lecture/Book ET-UFO agenda circuit. Vallee doesn't play those money making games, and the security probe testing is known beyond Vallee too.
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I didn't hear what he said, and you've indicated that you haven't provided an exact transcript. And I have to wonder why Vallee hasn't published this theory you attribute to him in writing. Besides, I don't believe everything Vallee says in any case.
I didn't hear what he said, and you've indicated that you haven't provided an exact transcript. And I have to wonder why Vallee hasn't published this theory you attribute to him in writing. Besides, I don't believe everything Vallee says in any case.
This is almost word for word [the meaning is exact] from a George Noory C2C interview... [It's probably the most recent w/Noory.]


There is the intervention of intelligence services [relating to UFOs]. There are people playing games. Now, some of those games may be psychological warfare exercises that may be very legitimate from the point of view of military or training of special forces. To give an example, that is not speculation, I have a friend and colleague in VC that was in special forces, and he did this in the 70's and 80's... [The objective] was to attempt penetration into nuclear sites and they would drop from the sky at night with devices that looked like UFOs. […] So, if a flying saucer or the Virgin Mary comes over the fence [at the missile site] this is going to test reactions vs what happens if a helicopter comes over the fence. The helicopter gets shot down.

Attempting security incursions with such fantastic or weird confrontations is a legitimate exercise once you understand the reasoning for it.

End of Vallee's comments.

Yes, Jacques Vallee meant exactly what I wrote above [with slight corrections for writing purposes vs voice interview]. Don't believe me, then get the last Noory C2C interview with J.V.
Please explain the motive for hoaxing the Rendleshem incident for example.
In the most recent George Noory interview with Jacques Vallee he says Rendleshem/Bentwaters was not a ET-UFO event.

Vallee said it was a security probe PSYOPS done by Humans. I believe it too for all the other reasons I posted about it in this thread.
Stalker, you're trying to make those words do a lot of work they can't do alone.
But I'm not using those words of Vallee's alone??? I don't understand what you're getting at??? Everything below is Vallee's ideas [exact meaning] about what was going on:


There is the intervention of intelligence services [relating to UFOs]. There are people playing games. Now, some of those games may be psychological warfare exercises that may be very legitimate from the point of view of military or training of special forces. To give an example, that is not speculation, I have a friend and colleague in VC that was in special forces, and he did this in the 70's and 80's... [The objective] was to attempt penetration into nuclear sites and they would drop from the sky at night with devices that looked like UFOs. […] So, if a flying saucer or the Virgin Mary comes over the fence [at the missile site] this is going to test reactions vs what happens if a helicopter comes over the fence. The helicopter gets shot down.

Attempting security incursions with such fantastic or weird confrontations is a legitimate exercise once you understand the reasoning for it.

(I only corrected wording for writing accurate meaning vs a voice being "casual style" on radio. The meaning is precisely the same.)
Vallee would have to offer more than the word of a single anonymous claimant to persuade me that he can account for any, much less all, anomalous incursions over SAC missile sites -- and Rendelsham Bentwaters -- as Black Ops 'testing' or disinformation.
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