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Why is their approach to biology so human and not reflective of an advanced space faring species, never mind the fact that any advanced civilization could detect all they want to invisibly without revealing any aspect of their existence? There's something so fishy about all of this that it makes the ETH smell pretty bad, or at least less likely than the phenomena originating from right here on earth.

Very fishy, indeed.
Unless we start to imagine other possibilities mixed up in the same bag such as:

+extraterrestrials (different species and with various levels of development)
weird mix

The trick we would have to learn is sorting through it all:)
For me the UFO questions are why are their activities so overt, ephemeral and consistent despite their apparent variation in origin? Why is their approach to biology so human and not reflective of an advanced space faring species, never mind the fact that any advanced civilization could detect all they want to invisibly without revealing any aspect of their existence?
Indeed, this is the question for me as well. As I've said, I see a parallel question in the spiritual realm: why are interactions with gods/spirits so consistently reported but also ephemeral and subtle?

It's tempting indeed to file it under endogenous, psychological phenomena, but then there's the historical consistency and objective, physical data.

The Scooby Do hypothesis is tempting too: this is simply the PTB tricking the mensch for some master purpose of their own.

All we can do is hypothesis.

The concept of a "war in heaven" is an ancient one. Is it merely a projection of human machinations onto the gods? Quite possible. Is it also possible that various UHI are in a stand off over control of the Earth and/or humans? Are we in the middle of a solar system wide Whale Wars, haha?

You mention that the contactee reports don't seem reflective of how a space faring species should behave. Honestly, what can we know about how a space faring species should behave?

How would humans behave if we discovered a planet teeming with life? I'd guess you'd have some humans who want to exploit and study and some who'd want to protect and conserve.

Yes, I'm projecting human psychology onto ET. A big no-no.

The possibilities are endless. Another idea is that intelligent biological (pre trans-biological) life is extremely rare at any given moment in the universe. That is, there may be countless post-biological species "out there" and when they discover little old Earth, they are, for reasons of nostalgia, smitten with us. "Don't be so technologized" says the trans-biologic entity. "Enjoy being a kid; you'll miss it someday!"

Why do they all look like quasi-humans? Who knows. It is absurd on its face. We should have reports of floating squids, right? Mimicry could be at play, but why not simply identically mimic a human form? Does it really create a psychological buffer to manifest as a quasi-human? Or do the ETs simply utilize mental feedback from humans to arrive at their mimimic morphological appearance? That's the mental aspect Vallee talked about.

But why appear to us at all, as you ask, Burnt.

Whether ET, psyops, or trickster, what might be the motive for appearing to a group of school children as multiple craft and little beings and admonishing them against becoming overly technological? (Was there something special about those kids? Might one or two of them someday have a lot of power and influence on Earth? Might the entities/phenomena have known this? But why appear on a school yard!?)

The individual that Christopher Obrien works with is pursuing the Gaian Hypothesis. Is this phenomenon some type of Gaian Immune Response? An effort to shape the behavior of humans? The same questions remain: why so subtle and ephemeral? Why not just come right out and say: stop destroying the biosphere. A biosphere that scientists tell us has been completely destroyed multiple times throughout Earth's history.

Is the phenomenon coming from a Collective Consciousness (not to be confused with a collective unconscious). That is, are individual humans equivalent to individual neurons; does the collective transferring/receiving of information between humans equivocate to a collective, conscious intelligence? This Collective Human Intelligence, would, ehem, have a mind of its own. It would no more be able to directly communicate with an individual human than an individual human would one of its own neurons.

Is this CHI trying desperately to save itself? How does this theory account for the physical evidence of craft?

Burnt, can you elaborate on the hypothetical trickster entity you mentioned? What might be its origin, nature, and motives? Is it simply a grumpy terrestrial neighbor?
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Very fishy, indeed.
Unless we start to imagine other possibilities mixed up in the same bag such as:
+extraterrestrials (different species and with various levels of development)
The trick we would have to learn is sorting through it all:)

+Bigelow & Knapp PR BS (LearJet, Element 115 & associates!!!, the ranch...)
+Linda Moulton Howe
+Richard Doty and Robert Collins
+Terry Sherman and/or Jr. Hicks or those that feed them the ET-BS.
+Operation Saucer Brazil 1977
+Nuclear Weapons Missile Sites -Faked ET-UFO's that are Human Probes.
+Idiot ET TV Hoaxing
+UFO Freaks that Hoax (Numbers in the thousands over decades at least.)
+Cattle Dissection ET Hoaxers
+Crash Sites that are Military Controlled -ET Does Not Crash!
EQUALS a weird HUMAN Terrestrial mix :D
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+Bigelow & Knapp PR BS (LearJet, Element 115 & associates!!!, the ranch...)
+Linda Moulton Howe
+Richard Doty and Robert Collins
+Terry Sherman and/or Jr. Hicks or those that feed them the ET-BS.
+Operation Saucer Brazil 1977
+Nuclear Weapons Missile Sites -Faked ET-UFO's that are Human Probes.
+Idiot ET TV Hoaxing
+UFO Freaks that Hoax (Numbers in the thousands over decades at least.)
+Cattle Dissection ET Hoaxers
+Crash Sites that are Military Controlled -ET Does Not Crash!
EQUALS a weird HUMAN Terrestrial mix :D
So what is the motive for gov/military hoaxing of UFOs?

1) To test military installations and personnel? Can you explain why this would be necessary? I'll be honest. I don't buy it.

Please explain the motive for hoaxing the Rendleshem incident for example.

What other reason(s) might there be for the gov/military to fool hundreds of thousands of seemingly random private individuals globally for decades into believing they've experienced UAP and/or UHI?

"Control" has been mentioned several times. Can someone expand on that?
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The man who interviewed Jacques Vallee in the Open Minds article is Fabrice Bonvin, “a Swiss psychologist, Ufologist, and writer. His field of expertise resides within the relation between the UAPs, ecology, and the impact of apparitions on the witness.”

For whatever its worth, this is the translated Wikipedia page for Fabrice Bonvin.

Of particular interest was found in the fifth paragraph.

“He became interested in UFOs in 1989, having himself witnessed an unexplained celestial phenomenon this year. He became a specialist in the UFO phenomenon, especially the relationship between UFOs and ecology as well as the psychological impact of appearances on witnesses.

It investigates cases of UFO apparitions both in Switzerland, France, Australia and Brazil. By the early 90s, he contributes to academic journals such Tau Ceti *, Top Secret, UFOMania, The World of the Unknown.

Having been a supporter of extraterrestrial origin ( HET ), he developed a model promoting the idea that the UFO phenomenon is caused by a "Gaian nervous system", operating as a "defense mechanism" against factors likely to affect the state of the planet. As such, the apparitions of UFOs would be strongly correlated with the atomic tests and the overall management of civilian and military nuclear by the community of nations.

Declining different Gaia hypothesis , it defines UFOs and related phenomena as "a sophisticated means of communication that Gaia uses to effect change among humans (through certain predisposed individuals) that is favorable to its goal of conservation life. "

The concepts developed by Bonvin are close to those of Jacques Vallée , Jean Sider , John Keel , in that they challenge the HET and believe that intelligence behind these phenomena a manipulative or deceptive and a form of omniscience made possible by psychological processes yet to be identified. The arguments put forward by Fabrice Bonvin converge towards those of Kenneth Ring , Leo Sprinkle and John E. Mack , who have in common the phenomenon attribute a potential transformer on the human psyche, of a mundus imaginalis, a sort of "universal library" noospheric . Matrix theory (infinite multiverse virtual) of such writers Nick Bostrom also include interests related in his latest book, and the various wave applications of quantum physics, or how to access the altered states of consciousness by dimethyltryptamine (DMT), for example, in other writings.

In October 2005 she published her first book "UFOs - Agents of Change" published by JMG Editions Collection Science Consciousness. The second "UFO - The Secret of Secrets" was released in December 2006 by the same publisher.

His ideas are debated in the French UFO community.”
So what is the motive for gov/military hoaxing of UFOs?

1) To test military installations and personnel? Can you explain why this would be necessary? I'll be honest. I don't buy it.
At the Nuclear Missile Sites Vallee has already "spilled the beans". See post 79 in this thread. I came to this conclusion after researching Dulce, Bennewitz, Doty, Valdez, Moore, Collins, Mirage Men, Greg Bishop, etc.
Please explain the motive for hoaxing the Rendleshem incident for example.
Go no further than the two primary witness accounts: Both their stories changed a lot over time. BUT, also, during the recent Mock Disclosure Hearings BOTH of them said they were NOT CLAIMING these were ET craft <--Ding Ding ... Ding Dong! There's your answer, right there! PLUS, neither one agreed on what happened, or what was there anyway! Seriously!!!
What other reason(s) might there be for the gov/military to fool hundreds of thousands of seemingly random private individuals globally for decades into believing they've experienced UAP and/or UHI?
For starters: It's worth TRILLIONS of dollars over the decades, when you consider all aspects of the Entertainment Industries AND the Military Industrial Complex. Oh, and, of course, once people believe in the Mythology (true or not) then IT IS A SELF_FULFILLING unstoppable ET-UFO with a snowball's chance in Hell it's going to stop! Mis-identification of ET-UFO's is in the millions! Wink. :D

ET-UFO's IS TRILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS well beyond the confines of just Government/Military...
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At the Nuclear Missile Sites Vallee has already "spilled the beans". See post 79 in this thread. I came to this conclusion after researching Dulce, Bennewitz, Doty, Valdez, Moore, Collins, Mirage Men, Greg Bishop, etc.

Go no further than the two primary witness accounts: Both their stories changed a lot over time. BUT, also, during the recent Mock Disclosure Hearings BOTH of them said they were NOT CLAIMING these were ET craft <--Ding Ding ... Ding Dong! There's your answer, right there! PLUS, neither one agreed on what happened, or what the was there anyway! Seriously!!!

For starters: It's worth TRILLIONS of dollars over the decades, when you consider all aspects of the Entertainment Industries AND the Military Industrial Complex. Oh, and, of course, once people believe in the Mythology (true or not) then IT IS A SELF_FULFILLING unstoppable ET-UFO with a snowball's chance in Hell it's going to stop! Wink. :D

ET-UFO's IS TRILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS well beyond the confines of just Government/Military...
Please explain what the motive would be for a gov/military to hoax UAP and/or UHI interactions on private and public civilians.

Can you provide either some evidence or at least a rough estimation of what entities have made "trillions" of dollars since the 1950s? And are you suggesting this is why gov/militaries hoax UAP on private and public citizens?

How do you account for the element of the pentacle document in which the PTB describe awareness of UAP and subsequent study of the phenomena?
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These are, at least, just as likely more Pentacle related Black Op PSYOPS to test readiness and security procedures and protocol verification to see how military personnel react and report incidents. It's fits perfectly with my idea of what the military should actually do too!

My idea is not outlandish at all. In fact, Vallee has revealed in the C2C July 2014 interview (the recent thread I started) that he got insider knowledge from a Black Ops Military insider, now retired, but Vallee knows, works with, and trusts this person stating this is exactly what this Top Secret covert "security probe" group did. Probe the nuclear sights mimicking UFO's to test nuclear security measures and potential weaknesses. And yes, simulating nuclear missile shutdowns would be standard procedure too! (This must be what the Russians did too, though I don't know how well documented or believable those reports are anyway.)

This is exactly what happened, imo, and I think that cat is out of the bag now. This top secret covert security protocol is now exposed, so it won't be so "freaky" for the missile silo people anymore! :D

So I suppose the malfunctioning relay that was blamed for one of the major incidents was actually part of the cover up for the "Covert Security Probe". Also, you'll have to excuse my skepticism, but I don't think that anyone can trust a "Black Ops Military Insider" whether they're retired or not, to tell you the truth. Besides that, even this alleged insider may have been given disinformation that he believes is true when in fact it's not. BTW, none of this implies I believe that the silo cases did involve real UFOs ( alien craft ). In the digging I've done, all the evidence I've seen so far is rumor and hearsay, as in the initial reports weren't from the firsthand witnesses.
Besides that, even this alleged insider may have been given disinformation that he believes is true when in fact it's not.
Vallee said this person was directly inside this covert nuclear "security probe" black ops, so this was not disinformation. Either the guy is telling the truth or lying. Btw, it is a very reasonable "security test" to do, period. Only some of the people would have considered these to be ET's. It does NOT take a genius to EASILY FIGURE OUT how to fake this at night. I KNOW HOW TO DO IT based on the accounts that were given.

Bottom line, the military is obligated to test its personnel on such MAD WMD weapons. They need to make certain these are in a Fail Safe Mode at all times. Security with perimeter and airborne "probe testing" is required, PERIOD.
We've always wanted to steal fire from the gods and when we do discover those double edged swords we seem to punish ourselves severely, take atomic bombs & nuclear power for example.
How about if the fire is given to us?


In the words of McKenna, there is an intelligence which wants desperately to interact with us — and teach us something potentially in regards to our reality and language — that is masquerading as an extraterrestrial intelligence.

As Burnt has noted, UFOs were once dragons. Aliens were once little folk.

Why does this intelligence want to give us knowledge of good and evil? Why does it want us to protect the earth? To forsake technology? Who or what is keeping this/these UHI from interacting with us more overtly?

Again, the Truman Show. One gets the sense our reality isn't quite what it seems. Something or someone wants to let us in on the secret, but another something or someone — perhaps for our own good — is disallowing this.
Vallee said this person was directly inside this covert nuclear "security probe" black ops, so this was not disinformation. Either the guy is telling the truth or lying. Btw, it is a very reasonable "security test" to do, period. Only some of the people would have considered these to be ET's. It does NOT take a genius to EASILY FIGURE OUT how to fake this at night. I KNOW HOW TO DO IT based on the accounts that were given.

Bottom line, the military is obligated to test its personnel on such MAD WMD weapons. They need to make certain these are in a Fail Safe Mode at all times. Security with perimeter and airborne "probe testing" is required, PERIOD.
Still not buying. But more importantly, how does this explain the hundreds of UAP sightings — many accompanied with physical evidence — made by private citizens, including police, engineers, and pilots?

Who is making the "trillions" of dollars.

Yes, please explain how the Rendleshem incident was a man-made drone.
Vallee said this person was directly inside this covert nuclear "security probe" black ops, so this was not disinformation. Either the guy is telling the truth or lying. Btw, it is a very reasonable "security test" to do, period. Only some of the people would have considered these to be ET's. It does NOT take a genius to EASILY FIGURE OUT how to fake this at night. I KNOW HOW TO DO IT based on the accounts that were given.

Bottom line, the military is obligated to test its personnel on such MAD WMD weapons. They need to make certain these are in a Fail Safe Mode at all times. Security with perimeter and airborne "probe testing" is required, PERIOD.
With all due respect, stalker, using all caps will not make your theory/model any more palatable as it fails to account for all available data and hold up to simple logic.

1) UAP have been reported for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. Ie UAP predate black ops.

2) UAP have been sighted by multiple, credible people w/ physical evidence in many non-military related circumstances. See the situation in Chile linked to a few posts above.

3) I dispute the claim that "trillions" of dollars have been generated by the ETH since the 1950s. The ball's in your court to substantiate this claim. (I'm sure Gene would like to hear this explanation as well. A man who hosts arguably the best UFO-related radio show on the planet, nay, the galaxy!)

4) Furthermore, this claim does not seem to relate to your seeming assertion that all UAP are the result of black ops.

5) You still have not reasonably explained why the military would want to use UAP to test nuclear facilities.

In short stalker, if you want people to take your hypothesis seriously, you'll have to scale it down like so:

Some UAP are the result of black ops; many people have profited from selling the ETH.

I don't think anyone can reasonably dispute that. I KNOW I CAN'T!
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Why is their approach to biology so human and not reflective of an advanced space faring species, never mind the fact that any advanced civilization could detect all they want to invisibly without revealing any aspect of their existence? There's something so fishy about all of this that it makes the ETH smell pretty bad, or at least less likely than the phenomena originating from right here on earth ...

I take it as a given that when it comes to alien abductions and the stories of medical type examinations, that we're dealing with unreliable and unverifiable information. In some cases I wouldn't be surprised to find that the stories are exaggerated or even hoaxed either by the witnesses or by someone who pulled a hoax on the witnesses. However at the same time, I'm not prepared to rule all of them out, and if we're allowed to assume that some stories are true and apply some rational speculation, there are some reasonable possibilities that address your question.

One of the first reasons that the alien's approach to biology seems "so human" and is not done invisibly or with space based equipment could be that the technology for interstellar travel would be very different from the technology required for biological studies. So simply because the aliens have advanced spacecraft doesn't mean we can safely assume they also have advanced medicine and bio-labs, let alone advanced bio-labs equipped to study our specific planet, let alone our specific species.

Secondly, we evolved here and we have been studying our planet's biology for a long time and are getting fairly high-tech ourselves, able to map out the genetics of an organism all the way down to the molecular level and then alter it. So when we're talking about playing with the fundamental building blocks of the material universe as applied to biological study, we're already way past the primitive stage ourselves, and since ET's wouldn't be from here, even if they brought that level of sophistication with them, they could still be at a distinct disadvantage that requires sample gathering and analysis just like any other scientific research. After all in science, there's only so many ways to do things in order to get the same results, so it's not all that surprising that there would be some similarities in the methods.

Thirdly, we may be dealing with more than one species of alien, and not all may be at the same technological level. In the books, I ran across at least one story someplace where a person claimed they were miraculously cured as a result of some sort of UFO encounter. And if we're to include historical mythology like biblical miracles, then we can begin piling them on as well. So the wide array of examples aren't limited just to those that have similarities to our own science, and that means that the premise itself isn't as solid as seems.

Fourthly, it's not unreasonable to suppose that some interstellar missions are automated and that the craft would be able to gather and analyze samples for scientific testing, and that due to logistics of interstellar travel, such labs might not be as well equipped as those on the alien's home planet, and only able to do an array of rudimentary tests, perhaps with the assistance of some android AI like robots that have been mistakenly assumed to be the aliens themselves.

Just a few starter points there to ponder, discuss, whatever ... :)
Still not buying. But more importantly, how does this explain the hundreds of UAP sightings — many accompanied with physical evidence — made by private citizens, including police, engineers, and pilots?
Strip out all the nighttime light sightings, optical illusions from aircraft windows and atmosphere and artifacts from reflections and optics, radar artifacts, jamming, and false readings, lightening gas plasmas, UAP that are Human made, known Top Secret Programs for 3d Holographic Imaging, Black Budget UAP, Drones, Hoaxing, Microwave Imaging Direct to Brain (proven experimentally), etc. ...come-on, you get "the picture".

This does NOT disprove that ET is visiting Earth, is here now, was here millions or billions of years ago, or will be here later today. :D
Who is making the "trillions" of dollars.
MIC and NASA and Hollywood and all entertainment media forms combined = TRILLIONS and real money since the 50's/60's. :)
Yes, please explain how the Rendleshem incident was a man-made drone.
There's absolutely no proof there ever was a drone. Screw one man stories that are not backed-up by his buddy that was right there too! And, both their stories changed over time. BS. Light-Air drone technology was in use by the military at that time, and these were being used as UFO decoys at nighttime. This is according to Valdez, Bennewitz Pics and Knowledge, Dulce, Cattle Dissections -related research.

This was likely some kind of Christmas party hoax, or, more likely, a COVERT perimeter security probe "readiness test" done at a lax "party time" at Christmas.
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Vallee said this person was directly inside this covert nuclear "security probe" black ops, so this was not disinformation. Either the guy is telling the truth or lying. Btw, it is a very reasonable "security test" to do, period. Only some of the people would have considered these to be ET's. It does NOT take a genius to EASILY FIGURE OUT how to fake this at night. I KNOW HOW TO DO IT based on the accounts that were given.

Bottom line, the military is obligated to test its personnel on such MAD WMD weapons. They need to make certain these are in a Fail Safe Mode at all times. Security with perimeter and airborne "probe testing" is required, PERIOD.

My point is that Vallée's story just as much hearsay as the UFO reports themselves. The only thing I did run across at one point that was reasonable to believe, was the military's own report that the cause of one malfunction was a defective relay. I'm also skeptical that unannounced fake UFO incursions were done as efficiency tests because I've never seen any official records mentioning such tests. One would think that after such tests were completed that there would be some sort of reporting done to evaluate them and that those being evaluated would be informed after the fact of how well they did and what improvements ( if any ) were needed, and that eventually one of these test evaluations would surface as a result of FOIA requests or other investigation. Find me a verifiably official NASA or NORAD evaluation report that evaluates responses of any kind of military base to fake UFO incursions, and I'll take it more seriously.
I'm also skeptical that unannounced fake UFO incursions were done as efficiency tests because I've never seen any official records mentioning such tests. One would think that after such tests were completed that there would be some sort of reporting done to evaluate them and that those being evaluated would be informed after the fact of how well they did and what improvements ( if any ) were needed, and that eventually one of these test evaluations would surface as a result of FOIA requests or other investigation.
You won't get FOIA on a covert compartmentalized WMD nuclear black ops "security probe" team's activities or results and analysis. To be honest, even I believe there are serious national security reasons to never disclose this activity. These weapons must remain under the highest levels of security, so there is no way anything is going public about securing these weapons. And, I agree with that too! If you got a FOIA all you would see is blank and black lines... LOL KKKKKKK...

I'm glad Covert Black Ops simulated UFO aerial perimeter incursions, imo, a good idea, and they kept it under wraps until the UFO Mythology Gods started the Peace on Earth campaign with lectures and money making books/TV. It's not a "bad message" by any means, anyway, so hooray for the missile silo Humans promoting ET's message and making money too! :D
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1) UAP have been reported for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. Ie UAP predate black ops.

4) Furthermore, this claim does not seem to relate to your seeming assertion that all UAP are the result of black ops.

5) You still have not reasonably explained why the military would want to use UAP to test nuclear facilities.
I reply matching your numbers above:

1) Strip out all the light sightings (meteors, ball lightening, asteroids, etc.), optical illusions from atmosphere (including haze and moisture and fog) and cloud artifacts from reflections and visual artifacts, lightening gas plasmas, and drug induced visions that produce cave art with ET and UFO looking images that are duplicated by DMT and Mushroom and other plant based drugs available to primitive man. What do you have left to prove your 1) above???

This does NOT disprove that ET is visiting Earth, is here now, was here millions or billions of years ago, or will be here later today.

4) You're not reading my posts accurately to assert I'm suggesting: "all UAP are the result of black ops". No way. Go back and read my posts. Read my signature below. Wink.

5) IF fired on, then no humans will be killed. It tests military "readiness skills" and "strategies" and "reporting incidents" and "following protocols and procedures" when faced with an unknown potential adversary at night.
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You won't get FOIA on a covert compartmentalized WMD nuclear black ops "security probe" team's activities or results and analysis. To be honest, even I believe there are serious national security reasons to never disclose this activity. These weapons must remain under the highest levels of security, so there is no way anything is going public about securing these weapons. And, I agree with that too! If you got a FOIA all you would see is blank and black lines... LOL KKKKKKK...

I'm glad Covert Black Ops simulated UFO aerial perimeter incursions, imo, a good idea, and they kept it under wraps until the UFO Mythology Gods started the Peace on Earth campaign with lectures and money making books/TV. It's not a "bad message" by any means, anyway, so hooray for the missile silo Humans promoting ET's message and making money too! :D

If all that were the case then we wouldn't know as much about the Nuclear Deterrence Program as we do now, like for example what we see in this USAF news clip ( starts at 55 secs ), or is this disinfo too? How old does that kid who's posted as security seem? Maybe 13 or 14?:

Behind the Scenes at a Minuteman III Missile Site - 21 March - ATAF

Or How About This One?
How a Titan Nuclear Missile Launch Works

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These are, at least, just as likely more Pentacle related Black Op PSYOPS to test readiness and security procedures and protocol verification to see how military personnel react and report incidents. It's fits perfectly with my idea of what the military should actually do too!

Ufology (Randall) has pointed out that there is no evidence whatever to support that theory in any official documentation yet discovered through FOIA or through the extensive archival research performed by ufologists such as Stan Friedman over many years. Your theory might 'fit perfectly well with [your] idea of what the military should actually do', but how well does it correspond with reality?

My idea is not outlandish at all. In fact, Vallee has revealed in the C2C July 2014 interview (the recent thread I started) that he got insider knowledge from a Black Ops Military insider, now retired, but Vallee knows, works with, and trusts this person stating this is exactly what this Top Secret covert "security probe" group did. Probe the nuclear sights mimicking UFO's to test nuclear security measures and potential weaknesses. And yes, simulating nuclear missile shutdowns would be standard procedure too! (This must be what the Russians did too, though I don't know how well documented or believable those reports are anyway.)

Would you quote the statements by Vallee that you consider to be 'revelations' he received from a "Black Ops Military insider now retired" and statements he made expressing his conviction that what he learned from this individual explains all ufo sightings over nuclear facilities and military nuclear weapons dumps? To your knowledge, has Robert Hastings ever replied to such a claim by Vallee? Has Vallee published this claim somewhere where Hastings would be certain to read it?

This is exactly what happened, imo, and I think that cat is out of the bag now. This top secret covert security protocol is now exposed, so it won't be so "freaky" for the missile silo people anymore! :D

The cat you apparently hope was in the bag is now 'out of the bag' in your reading of comments by Vallee in an interview that took place how long ago and with what subsequent discussion by other ufologists?

One more question: why would the 'Black Ops' outfit you think is responsible for all the ufo sightings (and interferences) directly over nuclear weapons and nuclear power sites need to repeat its 'tests' of these facilities and their personnel again and again and again and again up to the present?

Actually, one more question needs to be answered: how reasonable is it to think that the military and governmental PTB that created this supposed Black Ops 'testing' project would risk the mental stability of the military personnel responsible for the security of these weapons and potentially provoke the unintentional firing of one or more of them with massively destructive consequences following in short order?