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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Two

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I read the OLD article to which you referenced and it's just more global warming alarmist BS. What you provided is NOT numeric proof of man made Climate Change in the least. So yes, you are still lying. Not to mention the fact that you never provided any mathematical theorems to support ANYTHING ever. When math is nothing but "fake consensus best guesses" it's only evidential and not indicative of proof in the least.


The '97% consensus' of scientists on climate change is complete bunk... fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD

There is No Scientific Evidence That Humans are Causing Global Warming
You're not going to get far posting links to a website with the domain 'ilovemycarbondioxide.com'.


Just saying there is no proof doesn't mean there is no proof.
Speak for your own gray matter, oh that's right, you are.

BTW, might want to get a handle on the following concept: Association fallacy - Wikipedia

Kinda trashes pretty much everything you've ever contended politically. :oops:
I've lost count at the number of logical fallacies you've made on this thread alone.

And association fallacy is exactly what statistical analysis is for. Which was done and referenced in the document.

It's what science does.
You're not going to get far posting links to a website with the domain 'ilovemycarbondioxide.com'.


Just saying there is no proof doesn't mean there is no proof.

So in truth you admit to lying and that you have no real substantiation for what is human induced climate change, correct?
I've lost count at the number of logical fallacies you've made on this thread alone.

And association fallacy is exactly what statistical analysis is for. Which was done and referenced in the document.

It's what science does.

Are you S.R.L.? Is he your pathetic sock? Better pay attention. More of that sleep deprivation that you're sense of reason is so routinely indicative of.
So in truth you admit to lying and that you have no real substantiation for what is human induced climate change, correct?

So in truth you admit to lying and are saying that humans are the cause for climate change, correct?

So in truth you admit to lying and are saying that humans are the cause for climate change, correct?

You always know when you have succeeded at wining a debate when your opponent turns into a clown.

The sad truth is that you have never produced any proof of either claim that you stated you had already produced proof for. Then you attempt to argue the point that the Russians should be held accountable for the wikileak hacks by presenting an Esquire article. ROTFLMAO!!


Look bubbe, do yourself a favor. Look up Steve Pieczenik - Wikipedia and promise me that you'll read it so you can take the following to heart. The guy is tremendously credentialed apart from any bullshit media source. Look at his track record and just who he served and for how long. It's really sad that liberals are so predictably gullible. The good news is that they're no longer in charge, thankfully.

You always know when you have succeeded at wining a debate when your opponent turns into a clown.

The sad truth is that you have never produced any proof of either claim that you stated you had already produced proof for. Then you attempt to argue the point that the Russians should be held accountable for the wikileak hacks by presenting an Esquire article. ROTFLMAO!!


Look bubbe, do yourself a favor. Look up Steve Pieczenik - Wikipedia and promise me that you'll read it so you can take the following to heart. The guy is tremendously credentialed apart from any bullshit media source. Look at his track record and just who he served and for how long. It's really sad that liberals are so predictably gullible. The good news is that they're no longer in charge, thankfully.

Here bubbee:
If that's your standard for winning a debate then you lost it with your first post here.
His is one planet where I would not want to venture. Where up is down, day is night, and right is left.
Lol. I'll post it again. Should I use smaller words, perhaps written in bright colored crayon for you?


Besides it actually doesn't matter if it's anthropic change or not, or if it's 'Merica's fault or the Chinese.

It's happening to the only planet we live on. Except for you, you're from another planet obviously.

You do realize we are in an interglacial period of the current ice age.. right?
Now look up what an interglacial period is and tell me which way temps would go during an interglacial period.
You do realize we are in an interglacial period of the current ice age.. right?
Now look up what an interglacial period is and tell me which way temps would go during an interglacial period.
Lol I was wondering when that would come up.

I'm well aware. Are you well aware of what North America looked like during the last glacial minimum?

Want it to go back there?

I don't know if you'll notice, but on this projection some of your cities are missing. The biggest bummer for me would be that Maui is gone. But I can get my shaved ice and overpriced beer on other beaches, I guess. We're going to Costa Rica for our yearly beach trips now instead anyway.

Maybe those cities are not important because they voted for Hillary?
Lol I was wondering when that would come up.

I'm well aware. Are you well aware of what North America looked like during the last glacial minimum?

Want it to go back there?

Beware, pixelsmith will grenade this thread with his global warming charts & graphs, as endless point & counterpoint argument (?) will carry us into the next presidential election.
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