What am I trying to say in point 4? Let me if I can express in another way doesn't fail, if I can.
If the real world cannot be directly experienced. (The television studio)
And all we can experience is our conscious mind. (The television set)
Then knowledge of the real world is impossible. (The set, the script, the camera man.)
Knowledge is limited to the conscious mind and its presentation. (The image presented on the television set; science is studying the image on the television set and making conclusions about the studio, however, this only works in the context of what is on the screen, and produces no real knowledge of the workings of the studio.)
Therefore individuals who claim to have acquired direct knowledge about the real world are mistaken. (They claim to be able to watch the television set and know what is behind the camera.)
Some are going to say they have special senses, cosmic awareness, or some such, I humbly submit they are still looking at the television set.