Paranormal Adept
Starise I think your on to something.

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Starise I think your on to something.
Yes it does sound ridiculous to the material / reductionist, however so do flying saucers..
I would suggest what this may imply is that the known Universe in which we reside, reality and matter, are much different than what you might understandably consider.
However I do not have sufficient reason to believe that the Bible is the word of God,
Modern archealogy confirms the Bible as does science.
This is complete and utter nonsense. Modern archaeology disagrees with the bible on so many points it's incredible, so does science. I could recite countless examples but just a couple are: 1. No archaeological evidence of the Jewish exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible, no evidence of Egyptians ever owning Jewish slaves, period. None. None in their historical record, and not one shred of evidence has been dug up that proves Jews ever fled Egypt and spent 40 years in the desert.
2. Noah's Ark, there are many flood myths from around the world but there are also several cultures which have no historical recollection of some kind of giant global flood, even though we have records from their civilizations that correspond to the same time period. There's are also several lines of evidence from different fields that completely and utterly refute any type of global flood scenario.
I think you've been listening to fundamentalist preachers spout garbage for too long my friend. Modern science and archaeology do not agree with many things in the bible.
Nothing ridiculous about flying saucers. Given our own progress and the likelihood of life elsewhere, it's reasonable to suppose more advanced civilizations exist.
On the quantum level, and add to that dark energy etc. Still, it doesn't mean reality is all inside the skull.
Where do I stand? The proposition, "They don't want us to know." presents an epistemological problem that in my opinion would best be addressed using elements of rationalism and empiricism, but not full blown transcendentalism ( I'm sure Kant would have something to say about this ). On your scale this would probably translate to a dualist position e.g. the boundaries that Starise mentioned are both material and a priori.
This isn’t my scale, as this “scale” has been around for a long...long...time.
That was obvious. My usage was simply a means of referencing your explanation.
That's neat. How many international members would you say are in your society?
It is seems highly unlikely that all UFO phenomena can be attributed to a single source given the variety of the experience and the length of time it has been around. I think it could be a little bit of everything. That is to say they are a mixture of misidentifications, natural phenomena, psychological phenomena, and real manufactured objects.
Who are they? They are highly motivated, well funded, and mission driven, directed by another group not occupying the objects themselves. The manufacture of aircraft, space craft, or dimensional puddle jumpers all require engineers, technicians, financiers, administrators, project managers, janitors, component manufacturers, an educational system, as well as a tremendous supporting infrastructure. The workers have to eat, the water has to flow, the toilets have to flush. Let's not forget there is also a directing and planning body overseeing all of that at some political or military level of organization.
Where are they from? They come from and return to wherever the above support structures exist.
Why are they here? Whatever their purpose it does not involve or require our knowledge, consent, participation, or moral support. I'd say contrary to much of the speculation that gets batted around about their purpose and activity, it has little or nothing to do with human beings, our DNA, the ability to split atoms, or our evolutionary future. It almost certainly has absolutely nothing to do with our consciousness, collective or individual.
Fact: To the material / reductionist, flying saucers do not exist, (not unlike wood elves), because they have not been proven thru use of the scientific method.
we’ve shown that it is untenable to claim that the states of the physical world are independent of mind.
“There's ample evidence for them; it's not just a matter of witness sightings.”
I am not arguing whether or not aerial anomalies exist, what I was attempting to point out in the first place, is whether or not you base an opinion from a material / reductionist view, or an idealists view.
“The physical world long predated mind, yet it couldn't have been much different or we wouldn't be here.”
One would tend to think so. Once again, to the material / reductionist this would most certainly be true. However the idealist may look at it differently . I honestly don’t think anyone really understands what I was attempting to point out in the first place.
Through the assumption of Realism we started looking at certain phenomena in physics, namely quantum entanglement, and through a series of experiments, for instance, from 1981 culminating in 2007-2008, we’ve shown that it is untenable to claim that the states of the physical world are independent of mind.
I have several versions of the Bible including the Bibles on CD and Unger's Bible Dictionary ( get a copy if you don't already have one ). I have them as reference material because of the connection between religious mythology and ufology. However I do not have sufficient reason to believe that the Bible is the word of God, nor do I believe that the biblical God deserves status as a pinnacle by which we should pattern our behavior. If there is any truth to it, that God was far too concerned with the affairs of warring Middle Eastern tribes, receiving worship, and dispensing punishment.
This is complete and utter nonsense. Modern archaeology disagrees with the bible on so many points it's incredible, so does science. I could recite countless examples but just a couple are: 1. No archaeological evidence of the Jewish exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible, no evidence of Egyptians ever owning Jewish slaves, period. None. None in their historical record, and not one shred of evidence has been dug up that proves Jews ever fled Egypt and spent 40 years in the desert. 2. Noah's Ark, there are many flood myths from around the world but there are also several cultures which have no historical recollection of some kind of giant global flood, even though we have records from their civilizations that correspond to the same time period. There's are also several lines of evidence from different fields that completely and utterly refute any type of global flood scenario. I think you've been listening to fundamentalist preachers spout garbage for too long my friend. Modern science and archaeology do not agree with many things in the bible.
Vast understatement. If you read Ehrman, you'll see scholars have long been convinced the bulk of it was made up by humans, well after the events.
Sure, there is virtually no Egyptian linguistic influence on the language of ancient Israelites c 1000 BCE or so, even though many supposedly were in Egypt a long time. Imagine a group of immigrants living here for centuries, or even decades, without picking up any English. Also, there's absolutely no mention of the exodus in Egyptian records, even though they mentioned setbacks like the Hyksos and peoples of the sea. IIRC the only mention of Israel is on the stele of Merneptah c 1213 BCE, which claims a victory.