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Gaza Israel bombings

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The ironies in this case are simply devastingly inexplicable. Yet, post-holocaust there's almost an inevitability to this sad history. You'd think the world would have seen this coming. Then again, Europe was recently busy snoozing while Putin had his way with turning the landscape into a giant game of Risk. No one ever seems to get involved or lay claim to causes unless they are directly connected. Now the Netherlands is more directly connected to the Ukraine. The world tried to psychologically connect with Jewish people post WWII. Islamic fundamentalist terrorists persistently exploit the notion that the west needs to connect to Palestine as an expression of their pure hatred. Palestinians are both a poor and forgotten people that few are able to connect with. Still, nobody gets it except the war profiteers, the world's truly best defined breakaway civilization. Perpetuating hatred works extremely well for their lot.
The ironies in this case are simply devastingly inexplicable. Yet, post-holocaust there's almost an inevitability to this sad history. You'd think the world would have seen this coming. Then again, Europe was recently busy snoozing while Putin had his way with turning the landscape into a giant game of Risk. No one ever seems to get involved or lay claim to causes unless they are directly connected. Now the Netherlands is more directly connected to the Ukraine. The world tried to psychologically connect with Jewish people post WWII. Islamic fundamentalist terrorists persistently exploit the notion that the west needs to connect to Palestine as an expression of their pure hatred. Palestinians are both a poor and forgotten people that few are able to connect with. Still, nobody gets it except the war profiteers, the world's truly best defined breakaway civilization. Perpetuating hatred works extremely well for their lot.

well said!
The ironies in this case are simply devastingly inexplicable. Yet, post-holocaust there's almost an inevitability to this sad history. You'd think the world would have seen this coming. Then again, Europe was recently busy snoozing while Putin had his way with turning the landscape into a giant game of Risk. No one ever seems to get involved or lay claim to causes unless they are directly connected. Now the Netherlands is more directly connected to the Ukraine. The world tried to psychologically connect with Jewish people post WWII. Islamic fundamentalist terrorists persistently exploit the notion that the west needs to connect to Palestine as an expression of their pure hatred. Palestinians are both a poor and forgotten people that few are able to connect with. Still, nobody gets it except the war profiteers, the world's truly best defined breakaway civilization. Perpetuating hatred works extremely well for their lot.
Europe is not necessarily 'snoozing.' Most European countries get natural gas from Russia. They don't want to rock the boat. Luckily, there is a surplus of natural gas at this time and some countries might be feeling a little brave and willing to criticize Putin.
Trust me, none of the neighbours of Russia, like us Finns, were snoozing. However, Europeans, as a people, are pretty much done with war. The lessons of WW2 haven't been forgotten, and in here, the people would never accept an aggressive war over a place like Ukraine. If the politicians started going "rah rah let's attack Russia!" the people would say "yeah, have fun with that". No one here supports what Russia is doing, but no one is going to war over it either.

Especially since it's obviously exactly what Russia wants.
Europe is not necessarily 'snoozing.' Most European countries get natural gas from Russia. They don't want to rock the boat. Luckily, there is a surplus of natural gas at this time and some countries might be feeling a little brave and willing to criticize Putin.
People who don't want to rock boats prefer to stay below decks and stay blind to everything that's happening on the water right beside them. Whether or not they are snoozing down below or having fondue heated with Russian natural gas the net effect of neglect is the same. Folks in the Ukraine are certainly suffering due to their energy choices and their options are much more limited than the capacity that most European countries have.

P.S. you don't have to wage war against someone to make a point in these economically connected times.
At any rate whatever happens over the next few weeks (or months) we'll be having this same damn conversation every three years or so.

Maybe we should make this thread a sticky
All well thought out posts.
Not going to say very much on this topic as the above posts have covered what I would have said anyway.
Just remember all that not all Jewish people or those of Jewish heritage support or condone the actions of Israel, the Palestinians are a desperate people living under occupation watching their Heritage and way of life slowly being destroyed. Self determination under the conditions in Israel for the Palestinians is not possible and was never going to be.
As a person who has Jewish heritage I would have thought we should have known better .. sort of ironic really.
If there are any questions on what you suggest I would refer people to my post today @0700. I believe voices like yours are getting louder and louder. There is a long history of opposing Zionism on religious, political and moral grounds among Jews.
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The amount political differences folks just give peace a chance or take a leaf out of Putin or Merkel who playing free world for fools. When will the World just sit down with religion or none-religion and get on. Never its seems but hey wonder what the World community would do if ET came knocking and humanity was on the menu?
If there are any questions on what you suggest I would refer people to my post today @0700. I believe voices like yours are getting louder and louder. There is a long history of opposing Zionism on religious, political and moral grounds among Jews.

Not Jewish myself as my mother was adopted into of all things a Christian Family when she was about 10.
Long story short both my mothers parents survived the war (Yes they were both Jewish and their respective family's did not make it, really no need to explain what happened) they left Europe for Australia, my mothers mother died in child birth of my mothers younger brother and her father could not cope and in the end they were both adopted out.
My mother is a hard core Christian but had the good grace to talk about the family heritage and I know a fair bit more from digging myself (sadly I never got to meet my mothers birth father). It is always good to know where one comes from and to understand ones family past.
I hope all that makes sense.
Israel: International Anger Mounts
Especially courageous are the stands across the world by Jews themselves. Ten thousand orthodox Jews demonstrated in support of Gaza in New York, and across the world they, with other Jewish denominations have taken a visible and courageous stand.

Jewish Voices for Peace statement by their Rabbinical Council perhaps encapsulates what many believe. Headed “Stop the Bombing. Hold Israel Accountable” it reads in part:

“We are currently amidst ‘the three weeks’ – the annual Jewish period of quasi-mourning that leads to the fast day of Tisha B’Av. This is the season that bids us to look deeply into the soul of our community and examine the ways that our sinat chinam - baseless hatred – has led to our communal downfall.
Israel: International Anger Mounts | Global Research
Seems to me it started way way way back a long time ago ... just hope the rest of us don't get dragged into the stupid war. I've said this before: I wish we could just take them all and stick them on a planet out on the rim of some remote galaxy where they could blow themselves to beans if they wanted to ... hey wait a minute ... we're already there!

I feel the same way.
Is it that they want to eliminate Israel or is it that they want to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state (with all other none Jews governed by different set of laws?)
What difference does it make? How do you think the Jews would fare living under Islamic regime? Look at what's going on in Mosul, Iraq. Oldest Christian communities are being told to either convert, pay tax or die. There is over a million Arabs living in Israel, it's a multi-cultural society. What do you think life would be like living under Palestinians? What have they done with the billions of dollars in subsidies given to them? Did they build schools, infrastructure, businesses? Palestinians is a culture of hate from early on. It's not a tolerant society. The only thing they worship is death.
This is a scandalous comment :the Palestinians are reacting to a decade long oppression.Israel keeps stealing land and houses , not to mention the prison called 'Gaza'.
Tell me who is occupying who ?
What would any American do when Canada or Mexico invade the American border , steal all houses and land and just say : this is ours now: leave.
What Israel is doing smells lile looking for Lebensraum.

Former Pink Floyd frontman sparks fury by comparing Israelis to Nazis | Music | The Observer

What the hell are you talking about? Who's occupying who? The Jews are trying to protect their own land from constant barrage of rockets and terrorism. How would U.S react if Mexico constantly fired rockets at them?
What would you suggest for Israel to do, just cease to exist, die? Does that sound sane to you?
What difference does it make? How do you think the Jews would fare living under Islamic regime? Look at what's going on in Mosul, Iraq. Oldest Christian communities are being told to either convert, pay tax or die. There is over a million Arabs living in Israel, it's a multi-cultural society. What do you think life would be like living under Palestinians? What have they done with the billions of dollars in subsidies given to them? Did they build schools, infrastructure, businesses? Palestinians is a culture of hate from early on. It's not a tolerant society. The only thing they worship is death.

You are speaking utter nonsense. Your point of view is totally from the Israeli side. My question to you is, are you a paid shill for the Israeli lobby? It sure seems that way. You say the Palestinian culture is one of hate. Please give us multiple examples, if you can. You seem to have forgotten that the Palestinians were the majority population before the Jews arrive and declared the state of Israel.

You ask what the Palestinians have done with the subsidies they have received. You seem to overlook that Israel received $30 billion for their war machine from the US alone last year. Your so-called logic is warped beyond belief. Unfortunately you see everything from the Jewish viewpoint, that or you are being paid to say such things.
r, post: 198287, member: 326"]It is true that both sides are suffering, especially the civilians, but the unfortunate fact of reality is that the Palestinians are to blame for this. Nobody wants peace more than the Israelis. They've reiterated this numerous times. They don't need this war, they don't want war. There is over a million of Arabs living in Israel right now and they would never live anywhere else. I know because I spoke to some of them. But when you live next door to a neighbor that preaches hatred and violence since the early childhood what are you supposed to do? Palestinians were the ones that applauded 9/11 attacks and danced on the streets. Sorry, but I will never forget this. This is the reality and a fact. Until they join the human race and start acting like civilized human beings and actually do something to improve their living conditions, nothing will change. It's their choice, period.[/QUOTE]
This is a scandal
What the hell are you talking about? Who's occupying who? The Jews are trying to protect their own land from constant barrage of rockets and terrorism. How would U.S react if Mexico constantly fired rockets at them?
What would you suggest for Israel to do, just cease to exist, die? Does that sound sane to you?
Is Israel stealing land from Palestinians , yes or no ? Is Israel occupying Palestine , yes or no ? Are they building settlements ,tens of thousends , on occupied land , yes or no ? And this is going on for decades...
Looking back at the latest provocation that started this skirmish, it's hard not to consider that somebody thought that It's been too quiet and needed to shake things up, and in the tinder box that is the Middle East it doesn't take a lot to achieve that effect.

I have a tendency to put my own thought process into things and of course is a very dangerous road to go down, you can't do that because people are wild cards and you never know what they thinking.

No doubt there are Palestinians here with deep hatred toward Israeli people and the conditions certainly exist where a disturbed person would want to harm somone, even to the extent becoming a serial murderer, and possibly even get away with such crimes for a short time.

But the kidnapping and subsequent killing of 3 Israeli teenagers was a deliberate provocation and message with the inevitable result, message received and answered( in all of two days.) My guess is that it wasn't in the interests of the perpetrators to let this stay a random crime, Whomever did this had to had know that things would escalate with the predictable results. I don't think it was just a senseless "religious" or even ethnically biased crime.
false flag, mossad murdering 3 kids of their own ?. is that what you think wade.

I wouldnt put it out of question, sick'o murdering bastards that they are.

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