Thanks. I will read the blog later.
As a Brazilian I never understood war and why people go to other countries to fight for a war it is not theirs.
Canadian father-in-law frustration was that the II WWW ended before he could join. As a jew, who was born in Poland he thought others had to end the monster Hitler was, and then the soviets, and so on.
As he tried to indoctrinate me to become pro-war, my inner thoughts kept telling me if people just gave up their roots, ancient beliefs, a so on, a lot of problems would go away. Brazil is not a good country: corruption, slavery, class differences, racism, were and ARE part of our culture. But here, somehow, when immigrants arrive they forget their roots. They may keep the food and a few cultural things, but somehow manage to become Brazilians. It is nice to see we don't have people who call themselves third generation Italians; hispanic is a non existent word here; and Blumenau's OKTOBERFEST is more like a carnival than a biergartten!
Propaganda here makes my friends root for Gaza, but as someone who has both Israelis and Palestinian friends I keep telling them not to take sides because everything is much more complicated than what is shown on TV, and we have no idea what ancient hate is. I tell them both sides are wrong, and the majority of the people there are like us: they want peace, but the people in power are like our own politicians, selfish power mongers.